Your heating system - fit for winter?

Your heating system - fit for winter?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

All right in the heating oil tank?

Not only to meet your legal obligationsAsA tank owner, you should have your heating oil tank checked regularly, butAlso to secure the reliable operation of your system.WithAn inspectionAnd tank cleaning you make your tank system fit for the next heating season.

Warum bildet sich Schlamm im Tank?

AsA natural product, heating oil is subject to naturalAging processes. Hier machtAllerdings die Heizöl-Qualität den Unterschied: Heiz­öl standardAltert wesentlich schnellerAls Premium-Heizöl thermoplus oder CO2 kompensiertes Heizölkommen ungüns­tige Einflüsse wie Wärme, Licht, Sauerstoffkontakt, Mikroorganismen sowie die katalytische Wirkung von Metallen hinzu, können sich ölunlösliche Anteile – Sedimente – im Tank bilden.Over time, these sedimentsAre deposited in the form of oil sludge on the tank floor.

If the oil sludge remains in the tank for years, the layer of dirt can grow so far that it gets into the burner via the suction lineAnd endangered the reliable operation of the system.

In steel tanks, oil sludge can lead to corrosions on the inside of the tank, which increase the risk of oil exit.In order to significantly reduce the risk of interior corrosion, the regular removal of the oil sludge isAdvisable.

When is it time for the tank check?

Professional inspectionAnd cleaning of your heating oil tank should be doneAt the latest if:

Even with the existing fill level, your tank can be cleaned.In this case, the heating oil is pumped out by the specialist company, temporarily stored inA warehouse tankAnd pumped back into your tankAfter cleaning.

SOS - tank exchange!

Plastic tanks haveA lifespan ofApprox..30 years.Deformations, suchAs "elephant feet", exploits, imbalances or sunken tankers, indicate that the tank has exceeded its lifespan.ToA leak prevent oil damage,A renewal of the tank system is required here.

Auch der Tanktausch wird staatlich gefördert

With the decision to modernize your tank, you do good for your wallet!We have been supporting your oil heating change since last September by giving you free-liter literally when buyingAn oil condensing boiler from Buderus.A modernization pays off twice: they save energyAnd receive up to 1.500 liters of premium heating oil thermoplus.So far, 140 people fromAll over Germany benefited from this offerAnd the heating oil premium.TheyAlso?

You can find out moreAbout the boiler exchange campaign with BuderusAnd the 3 steps to the heating oil premium here.

Tipp: Mit thermoplus gegen Öl-Schlamm

SpecialActive ingredients in our premium heating oil thermoplus prevent heating oilAnd haveA cleaning effect.EvenAfter three years of warehousing, thereAre hardlyAny sediments in the tank.If only thermoplus comes into the tank, the times between the tank cleans can more than double!

Continue in the check- the maintenance of your heating technology

So that your heating system remains fully functional forA long time, it should be servicedAnnually, preferably before the heating season.

This includes the exchange of wearing partsAs wellAs the cleaning of the boilerAnd burner.In the case ofAnnual check, the heating professionalAlso checks whether the exhaust system is optimal without energy lossesAnd the emission limit is observed whether the boiler is properly regulated or possibly oversizedAnd the thermostatsAre up to date.

Share your heating specialist on this occasionAt which day or night times the temperature can be reduced.Whether, for example,A subsequent reduction in the temperature makes sense, it depends on.A. von der Dämmung Ihres HausesAb.

Ungleiche Wärmeverteilung im Haus - Hydraulischer Abgleich vom Profi

If radiators remain cold despite ventilation and correct water pressure, a hydraulic comparison can bring the solution.In the case of non -regulated systems, further away radiators may be insufficiently supplied.

A hydraulic comparison serves the fine adjustment and at the same time the energy saving. Ihr Heizungsfachmann lotet den Heizbedarf für ­jeden Raum sorgfältigAus. Hierfür werdenAlle Einflussfaktoren geprüft: neben der Heizungsan­lageAuch der Zustand der Fenster, die Raum- und Heiz­­körper­größen eben­so wie die Dämmung.The evaluation takes place using special software.

Für den Abgleich kommen voreinstellbareThermostatventile zum Tragen, mit denen die Durch­fluss­menge des HeizwassersAm Heizkörper exakt reguliert undAn den tatsächlichen WärmebedarfAngepasst werden kann.In addition, the professional stops the pump pressure and the boiler curve of the boiler optimally.

The result: All rooms of the house are heated as required and the heat is distributed evenly in the house.

Sauber heizt besser

With a few simple steps, make your WinterFit system and also save energy.Did you know that you can reduce your heating oil consumption by simply dusting the radiators?

Burned dirt reduces the heating body's performance by up to 30 percent!Hence our tip: Clean the radiators before winter with vacuum cleaners and mild cleaning agents.There are special brushes in stores for radiator cleaning.

Likewise, the heating room should be as dust -free as possible. Ist die für die Verbrennung benötigte Raumluft staubbe­lastet, erhöht sich nicht nur der Schadstoffausstoß, sondernAuch der Heiz­öl-Verbrauch.In addition, the burner can become prone to fault.

Zu viel Luft im ­System?

If radiators do not fully heat or hear a ghucker or noise when heating, the circulation of the heating water is disturbed.Ventilation is the first measure to get the circulation going again.