Why teachers in Hettstedt have to pay for paper, toner and the like themselves

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Why teachers in Hettstedt have to pay for paper, toner and the like themselves
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner


The state had purchased test printers, but the district as the school authority would now have to pay for them.

By Joel Stubert 02/10/2022, 11:00 am

Hettstedt/MZ - For the teachers at the Anne Frank all-day school, the examination phase is coming up soon. And that could get expensive. When asked by MZ, headmistress Regine Albrecht confirms what has already been discussed in the district committee: Currently, the teachers have to pay for the materials for the test printer themselves. According to reports, there is a lack of understanding in the college.

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Warum in Hettstedt Lehrer selbst für Papier, Toner und Co. zahlen müssen

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