Types of heating oil

Types of heating oil
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Our range of heating oil includes three different types of low-sulphur heating oil for your heating system - the premium heating oil thermoplus CO2 compensates, the premium heating oil thermoplus and the premium organic heating oil thermogreen.

In the refinery process, heating oil EL (extra low-viscosity) is provided with refining additives, which, for example, enable residue-free combustion, have a better calorific value and contribute to tank protection. Heating oil is also colored red so that it cannot be confused with diesel fuel.

With the certified TotalEnergies quality heating oil products, you can save on heating costs and protect the environment. Mixing the different types of heating oil is possible without any problems. However, you should take into account that this reduces the positive properties of premium or bio heating oil.

We explain here which type of heating oil you should buy, why it is worth buying premium heating oil and which type of heating oil is best for you.

CO2-compensated heating oil

Make a contribution to climate protection with heating oil

With the purchase of the CO2-compensated heating oil, we supply you with our premium thermoplus heating oil. The special thing about this is that you offset your carbon dioxide emissions with just 1 cent per liter of heating oil.

We invest your 1 cent/L of heating oil in climate protection projects all over the world. With the support of our French colleagues from the headquarters in Paris, we develop and promote climate protection projects that you support with your contribution. You will then receive a personal CO2 certificate for your climate protection commitment with your customer number.

In addition to your CO2 contribution when purchasing the CO2 compensated heating oil thermoplus, we at TotalEnergies also make an extra contribution to climate protection. We have already carried out several tree planting campaigns in Germany and will continue to do so. You too can become the owner of a "CO2-compensated oil heating system".You can access your certificate on our CO2-compensated heating oil website.

Premium heating oil thermoplus

Seven in one go: premium heating oil thermoplus

7 plus points for clean, efficient heating. More than 90 percent of our heating oil customers who have decided to do so again order thermoplus - the premium heating oil from TotalEnergies.

1. Higher energy yield

Highly efficient active ingredients in thermoplus lead to more intensive, almost residue-free combustion. This increases the performance of the system. Thermoplus gets more thermal energy out of your oil heating system over the entire heating period.

2. Protection and cleaning effect

Thermoplus contains effective cleaning components. Combustion chambers, filters and nozzles as well as the oil tank are thus sustainably protected against deposits. Anti-corrosive additives also prevent the formation of rust in the entire burner system. Improved lubricity of the heating oil leads to lasting pump protection.

3. Higher operational safety & Service life

A clean boiler runs longer without problems. By minimizing deposits in the system, the operational reliability and service life of your heating oil system is increased. Thermoplus makes a significant contribution to maintaining the value of your oil heating system, including the tanks.

4. More storage convenience

A conditioning formula prevents the natural aging of the fuel oil. The result: Sediment formation in heating oil and sludge in the tank was yesterday. Premium heating oil thermoplus can be stored for up to 3 years without any problems. This also increases your flexibility when purchasing heating oil.

5. High thermal stability

Even at the highest temperatures in high-performance burners, stability improvers in thermoplus ensure consistently high fuel oil quality. This is reflected in the almost constant performance of the heating system and in greater operational reliability.

6. Subtle smell

A scent mask neutralizes the typical smell of heating oil - a comfort advantage that is particularly noticeable during and after filling.

7. Minimum sulfur content, lower emissions

The reduced sulfur oxides in the exhaust also result in reduced costs for sweeping and inspection work. The chimney sweep only checks the flue gas ducts every 2 years if your system works independently of the room air or you operate an oil condensing boiler. Maintenance is simplified.

Standard low-sulphur standard heating oil

Standard low-sulphur heating oil - controlled and certified standard quality

Low-sulphur heating oil EL (extra light) is a quality fuel that is obtained from crude oil in a strictly monitored refinery process. In contrast to premium heating oil, however, it only contains the basic additives that are required for production and transport.

Thanks to the low sulfur content of max. 0.005%, sulfur dioxide emissions are permanently reduced. The level of sulfur dioxide emissions is comparable to that of natural gas.

For tax reasons, heating oil is colored red. The legislator prescribes this in order to be able to distinguish heating oil from diesel.

Properties of standard low-sulphur heating oil at a glance:

Guaranteed quality

Through constant voluntary controls, we guarantee you low-sulphur heating oil in the DIN standardized and certified TotalEnergies quality over the long term.

However, the majority of our customers choose thermoplus, the premium heating oil from TotalEnergies. Convince yourself of the outstanding product properties of our premium heating oils!

Bio heating oil thermogreen

Combine heating comfort and climate protection with premium bio heating oil thermogreen

TotalEnergies premium bio heating oil thermogreen contains at least 10% organic content from renewable raw materials (rapeseed, etc.), which have been sustainably cultivated and chemically refined.

Low-sulphur heating oil is used as the basic fuel. A high-quality TÜV-tested complex of active ingredients ensures additional storage stability and gives our TotalEnergies bio-heating oil of the latest generation the tried-and-tested premium quality.

Thermogreen was successfully subjected to a field test in cooperation with the Institute for Heat and Oil Technology e.V. (IWO) and certified by TÜV.

Product highlights:

Customer benefits:

Oil heating system / heating oil tank

Ideally, thermogreen is used in modern heating systems with a single-line oil supply. The energy efficiency is highest in modern condensing boilers. However, conventional systems can usually use our Bio Premium heating oil without any problems, although it is recommended that the oil pump, hoses and seals be tested for FAME suitability when used in existing systems.

In principle, premium bio heating oil thermogreen can be stored in plastic tanks as well as in steel tanks. Internal coatings and aqueous electrolyte solutions are not suitable.

For more information see "IWO practical tip for bio heating oil" on 0800 00 86 825 or from your local heating contractor.

Our premium bio heating oil thermogreen is not yet available everywhere. Please ask at your customer center. Our colleagues will be happy to answer any questions/suggestions you may have about heating oil and the current price of heating oil.

Cold protection additive PDD 10

TotalEnergies cold protection PPD 10 – the flow improver for heating oil

Your heating oil tank is in an unheated room or outdoors and is it exposed to the cold?

The paraffins contained in heating oil are sensitive to cold: crystals form at temperatures below 6°C, the heating oil begins to flake and become more viscous.

Protect your heating system against a winter-related breakdown with the TotalEnergies cold protection PPD10!

Include cold protection before cold temperatures set in. This prevents failures and costly repairs. The fluidity of the heating oil is retained for a significantly longer period of time, and blockages in the pipes or filters are avoided.

TotalEnergies cold protection PPD 10 was developed from basic refinery products that have been tried and tested over many years in order to ensure greater operational reliability for your heating system!

What are the advantages of TotalEnergies cold protection PPD 10?

Application of TotalEnergies cold protection PPD 10:

Add 1 liter of TotalEnergies cold protection PPD 10 to 500 to 1,000 liters of heating oil. Fill TotalEnergies cold protection PPD 10 into the tank immediately before the heating oil delivery. Refilling is usually ineffective, since the flow improver then mixes more poorly with the fuel oil. If flakes have already formed in the heating oil, they will only dissolve again when it is heated.

Notes on TotalEnergies cold protection PPD 10:

The quality and origin of the heating oil can affect the effectiveness of the cold protection components. Store the bottles at room temperature to ensure the product's potency. In extreme cold, uninsulated lines can freeze despite the use of TotalEnergies cold protection PPD10. In general, pay attention to the insulation of your lines if they are directly exposed to the weather. Irrespective of the additive used, heating oil must be stored frost-free.

Where can I buy the cold protection for heating oil?

Order the cold protection PPD 10 from TotalEnergies with your next heating oil delivery and ensure increased operational reliability of your heating system in the coming winter!