Thermal maintenance is and remains mandatory!|State guild of the sanitary, heating and ventilation technicians, February 18, 2010

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  • Thermal maintenance is and remains mandatory!|State guild of the sanitary, heating and ventilation technicians, February 18, 2010
Thermal maintenance is and remains mandatory!|State guild of the sanitary, heating and ventilation technicians, February 18, 2010
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Vienna (OTS) - Even if the latest OGH judgment is the obligation for the tenants to have annual maintenance work on the thermal bath, the legal obligation remains to be cleaned (waiting) once a year!Ing.Michael Mattes, guild master of the Viennese installers, is now warning to waive maintenance after the current judgment.

"Uncepted gas devices put a strain on the wallet and the environment and can become an enormous health risk for the operators.And a heating device that is not waited in time, which is precisely in large cold, is more than annoying! "Says the guild master.

"A gas device that is regularly maintained by the specialist is safe to operate, saves money, protects the environment and secures reliably functioning heating in the cold season.Well maintained, she works more efficiently because she then needs less gas.In this way it saves energy and lowers the heating costs.The lower gas consumption also makes them more environmentally friendly because it emits less CO2 and pollutants ".

The Vienna Fire Police, Air Force and Climate Affairs Act clearly prescribes the annual cleaning of all combustion plants (§ 15a)."The reason for the maintenance of fireplaces in and the elimination of the deposits from other rooms is the responsibility of their use."Write down the law.

As is well known, there are disputes about who pays the installer calculation.Basically, the person who has given the order also receives the installer's invoice.

The Viennese installation guild also also warns of low-cost providers who advertise with supposed discount and special offers with leaflets.Mattes: "These companies often lack commercial authorization.The supposed fitters are often without specialist training and endanger body and life through their activities."The Viennese guild master recommends seeing one of the 900 installer specialists in the vicinity or asking the guild (T 514 50-2009).

Thermenwartung ist und bleibt Pflicht! | Landesinnung der Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Lüftungstechniker, 18.02.2010

A maintenance that gem.ÖVGW guideline G 81 is carried out, depending on the degree of contamination, at least one hour takes.The following work is done in detail:

Mattes points out that the maintenance and review of heating systems in Vienna is precisely regulated by the legislator:

- maintenance / cleaning: annually

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Rückfragen & Kontakt:

State guild Vienna The sanitary, heating and ventilation technician Mag.Alexander Schrötter Tel.: + 43 1 51450-2009, fax.: +43 1 51450-2124

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