The timing chain - function and replacement - AutoScout24

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The timing chain - function and replacement - AutoScout24
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Maintenance and care of the timing chain

If the timing chain or toothed belt quit working, you may have to reckon with a total loss of the engine because the processes get mixed up. Compared to the toothed belt, however, this risk is significantly lower with the more robust timing chain. Because while a toothed belt has to be changed more frequently due to its material, the maintenance intervals for a timing chain are much less frequent.

The timing chain - function and replacement - AutoScout24

Nevertheless, the interaction of pistons and valves in the engine only works if the timing chain is always oiled, clean and running taut. With increasing use, chain links can lengthen and disrupt the processes in the engine. In the worst case, the timing chain can skip or tear. And also guide elements of the timing chain, such as sliding and tensioning rails, are subject to wear and should be checked regularly.

These are the possible causes of a defective timing chain:

Whether the timing chain is worn or has lost tension as the mileage has progressed can be identified, for example, by a rattling or clicking sound immediately after a cold start, or even better with the help of a diagnostic device in the workshop.

These can be signs of a defective timing chain: