Study: Motorists are on the pocket -

Study: Motorists are on the pocket -
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

A car costs a lot of money.Also when it comes to taxes.Nevertheless, society pays a lot, says an investigation.

Studie: Autofahrer liegen allen auf der Tasche -

The car is much more expensive than expected - both individually and for society.According to a study published in the journal "Ecological Economics", the general public subsidizes every driver a year with around 5.000 euros.So -called external costs such as road construction, environmental damage and expenses for parking space were taken into account.

Overall, researchers Stefan Gössling, Jessica Kees and Todd Litman took ten individual cost factors into account and calculated using the example of three prototypical car models.For the Small Car Opel Corsa, the summer of the annual subsidies was 4.674 euros, for the compact VW Golf at 4.775 euros and for the mid-range SUV Mercedes GLC at 5.273 euros.

Deutsches Mobilitätssystem ineffizient und unfair

In addition to the associated costs, expenses also apply to the owner.These have the researchers for the small car with 6.704 euros per year calculated for the compact car with 7.657 euros and for the SUV with 12.899.Anyone who would drive a corresponding model for 50 years would have at least 352 in the end.Issued 074 euros.The SUV would even be 679.167 euros.The acquisition and fixed costs as well as costs for repairs and maintenance as well as for parking and tolls were taken into account.Overall, the annual costs for individuals and society add up to 11.378 euros for a small car.An SUV beats at 18.171 euros.

The researchers conclude that the German mobility system is inefficiently and unfairly organized.Drivers with small and medium -sized incomes as well as people without their own cars carry a disproportionately high proportion of the external costs of car driving.The authors of the study work on the Swedish Linnaeus University, for the transportation Think Tank in Berlin or Victoria Transport Policy Institute.The figures determined using the German example should also be transferable to other countries.(SP-X)

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