Solar providers take a close look at: these are the advantages and disadvantages of DZ-4

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Solar providers take a close look at: these are the advantages and disadvantages of DZ-4
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

von Moritz Diethelm am 15.01.2022

DZ-4 GmbHTobias Schütt und Niklas Winter leiten DZ-4.

The market for solar systems is growing continuously and more and more companies want to have something from the looks at the advantages and disadvantages the individual offer regularly.This time it's about DZ-4.

DZ-4 was founded in Hamburg in 2012 and was the first German provider of solar systems for rent.In the meantime, DZ4 claims market leadership in terms of lease solar systems.The majority of DZ-4 keeps the Baden-Württemberg energy group EnBW in the meantime, but dz-4 still remains independent.

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What distinguishes DZ-4?

Since its foundation, Hamburg has been offering PV systems and electricity stores nationwide for rent.This reduces the electricity costs in the long term and makes it planable.The rent includes the acquisition costs and installation as well as insurance, maintenance and repair for the entire contract term.Continuous monitoring should provide a good overview of the performance and condition of the system.

DZ-4 also advertises and promotes each PV system to the roof and to the consumption behavior of the customer.Interested parties can choose whether they would rather be personally advised on site or digitally.In addition, you have to make the decision whether you prefer your solar system with electricity memory or without.A memory is recommended in most cases, since you can use the electricity produced in the evening.Especially since DZ-4 offers no other storage options such as a current cloud.

The rent is laid down over the entire contract period and does not increase.After 10 years, customers then have an annual purchase option.

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What does a solar rental at DZ-4 cost?

Depending on how big your roof is and what services you, DZ-4 offers three different solar products.

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How does DZ-4 deal with our solar system provider test? has tested and compared the nine most important solar systems providers.DZ-4 took third place.Above all, the lack of a purchase option caused the deficit to the two first places.In addition, the offer process did not proved itself free of hurdles, because not all of our testers came to a consultation or an offer.When the consultations finally took place, the provider was able to score a lot here.The DZ-4 consultants were motivated, listened to almost all questions and were convincing in the conversation.After the conversation was agreed, the respective consultant was easily accessible and the conversations took place in a pleasant atmosphere.Only when it comes to recycling modules and components did the DZ-4 employees have gaps.

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Efahrer.Com conclusion:

Keine Investitionskosten und fixer Mietpreis
Bau, Versicherung und Wartung inklusive
Lange Vertragslaufzeit

DZ-4 specializes in lease solar systems that are supposed to cause one thing: stress freedom.The company takes over both the structure and maintenance, so that the customer only has to provide his roof in the best case and then benefits from its own electricity production.The fact that there is no investment costs and the rental price is fixed gives planning security and makes it easier to start solar production.But you also have to bind yourself for at least 10 years.Nevertheless, we recommend that you also have a purchase offer in addition to a rental offer (you will find an overview here) and to compare it.Because rents can be more expensive depending on the roof.

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You must pay attention to this when purchasing a solar system

Basically, photovoltaic systems are suitable for all owners of single or multi-family houses and companies with their own real estate.How large the system and thus the yield turn out depends largely on the available roof area.Depending on the module power and roof orientation, four to six solar modules with an area of 7 to 13 square meters are required per kilowatt peak (KWP)..

PV systems load the roof with additional weight.Therefore, a structural engineer should examine the roof before installation.The additional load by the system depends above all on the type of assembly type.The following values serve as a clue:

Ich roof: 16 to 24 kg / m²

Flat roof: 7 to 12 kg / m² without roof penetration 18 to 30 kg / m² with roof penetration

There are usually no other special requirements.For example, private roof solar systems fall under the "structural systems" category and therefore usually do not require any official approval as long as they are not subject to monument protection.To maximize the yield of the solar system, however, you should take some tips into account:

  1. Dächer mit Südausrichtung gelten als optimal, doch auch West- oder Ostausrichtungen sowie die entsprechenden Zwischenstufen gelten heute als rentabel. Mit besonders leistungsfähigen Hochleistungs-Solarmodulen kann sich unter Umständen sogar die Installation auf einem Dach mit Nordausrichtung lohnen.
  2. Ein Neigungswinkel der Solarmodule von 35 bis 45 Grad hat sich in Deutschland als besonders ertragreich erwiesen. So kann über den gesamten Jahresverlauf hinweg der größtmögliche Teil der Solarenergie genutzt werden.
  3. Vermeiden Sie eine Verschattung der Solarmodule, beispielsweise durch Schornsteine, Bäume oder nahestehende Häuser, da dies zu Ertragseinbußen führen kann. Lässt sich die Verschattung jedoch nicht vermeiden, so ist die Anschaffung von speziellen Moduloptimierern möglich.

How big should a photovoltaic system be?

When planning a solar system, it is initially interesting what performance it should perform.The maximum possible electricity yield depends primarily on the location and the corresponding sunlight as well as the available roof area and the alignment / inclination of the roof.

In general, one solar system per kilowatt peak (1.000 wp) installed nominal output in Germany depending on the global radiation values average between 800 and 1.100 kWh solar power a year.With an annual power consumption of 5.The installation of a system with at least 6 kWp power is therefore useful.

However, the dimensioning of the system should not only be on the average power consumption, but also the desired proportion of self -consumption or.Orientate self -sufficiency of the prospect.The higher this should be, the larger the solar system should be dimensioned.However, the following applies here: a 100 percent self -consumption is implemented, but it is not yet economically sensible.Instead, a self -consumption of 60 to 80 percent should be targeted when planning the system.

Tip: The larger the system, the higher the savings usually fall.However, in order to avoid the payment of the EEG surcharge on the electricity that is used self, the system should not exceed a nominal output of 10 kWp when installing the initial installation.

Solaranbieter unter die Lupe genommen: Das sind die Vor- und Nachteile von DZ-4

Thomas Frey/Dparheinland-Palatinate, Schorbach: Numerous photovoltaic systems are installed on the roof of the roofs in the Hunsrückdorf Schorbach.

Advantages and disadvantages of a solar system

Your own solar system on the roof has various advantages.This creates environmentally friendly solar power and thus makes an active contribution to the energy transition.The electricity generated is also comparatively inexpensive with the equivalent of eight to ten cents per kilowatt hour.According to the BMWi, the average electricity price for a household was 30.43 cents / kWh in 2019.The electricity increases announced for 2020 will highly probability that this value will still raise this value.

On average, a solar system can achieve a self -consumption of 30 to 35 percent.This means that up to 35 percent of the annual electricity requirement is covered by solar power, which reduces the electricity cover from the public network.Due to the low production costs for solar power, electricity costs can be saved with a PV system.The higher the self -consumption, the higher the savings are usually.

More than 60 percent of the solar system operators therefore opt for the purchase of a power storage.This makes it possible to interfere with the solar power that is not used directly.In this way, this can also be used in the evening or at night, which means that self -consumption can increase to up to 80 percent.As a result, the electricity costs are also reduced.

As a disadvantage of a photovoltaic system, only the initial investment costs can be mentioned.Some interested parties cannot or do not want to carry them in the form of a one -off payment.In this case, however, there are alternative solutions.Some companies today offer the possibility of solar plant rent.Financially, however, the financing of the solar system has proven itself, which is supported by many banks with cheap solar loans.

The costs of a solar system

The prices for PV systems have dropped significantly in recent years.According to the Fraunhofer Institute, investment costs have been fell by an average of 13 percent per year since 2006 and 75 percent by 2019.In 2006 you still paid an average of 5.000 euros per kilowattpeak installed nominal output, this value is around 1 today.200 euros.Solar modules in particular, but also electricity stores, showed particularly positive price curves for consumers in the past.

A model calculation of the earnings potential shows how much money can be saved with a solar system.It is assumed that an average power consumption of 5.000 kWh, a current price of 30 cents/kWh and the current feed -in tariff of9.72 cents/kWh:

Electricity costs without a solar system: 1.500 euro

After installing a 10 kWP solar system:

Solar power production: approx..9.800 kWh self -consumption: 35 % = 1.750 kWh feed: 8.050 kwhrest cover: 3.250 kWh

Stromkosten Restbezug:975 EuroEinspeisevergütung:782 Euro

Result: 193 euros electricity costs / year = 1.307 euros in electricity cost savings

In the case of investment costs of around 12.The solar system was therefore amortized after almost nine years.During her term of at least 25 years, she generates a financial profit of more than 20.500 euro.

PV system in connection with a memory:

Solar power production: approx..9.800 kWh self -consumption: 80 % = 4.000 kwhein feed: 5.800 kwhrest cover: 1.000 kWh

Electricity costs remaining cover: 300 euros feed -in tariff: 563 euros

Result: 263 euros profit / year = 1.763 euros in electricity cost savings

The solar memory brings additional investment costs.A memory with a power capacity of 10 kWh costs around 7 on average.000 to 8.000 euros.For investment costs of 19.000 euros hat sich das System somit nach weniger als 11 Jahren amortisiert.Over the term of more than 25 years, the financial profit is more than 25.000 euros.

Battery storage is worthwhile

The sample calculation shows that battery stores in connection with a PV system are financially worthwhile.In addition to the cost savings, there is another advantage: the increasing self -sufficiency and thus the increased independence.Especially homeowners who are not at home during the day benefit significantly more from the self -generated electricity.

The electricity stored in the power storage can be used, for example, to support a heat pump at night.A heat pump generates an average of four to five kilowatt hours of thermal energy from a kilowatt hour of electricity.If solar power is used for the equivalent of 10 cents/kWh for heat generation, a kilowatt hour of thermal energy costs the system operator 2 to 2.5 cents.With electricity from the public network to 30 cents / kWh, this value would be 6 to 7.5 cents.

A power memory also makes sense for the owner of an electric car.In conjunction with a wall box or electric charging station, the self-generated solar power can be used to charge it inexpensively and environmentally friendly.Plant operators become more independent of the public charging stations infrastructure and increasing electricity prices.

What funding options are there?

In order to further promote the expansion of renewable energies in Germany, the federal and state governments offer a number of funding programs.These are intended to support the plant operator in the financing of the project and are granted in the form of a low -interest loan or a non -repayable grant.

KfW funding: The Kreditanstalt für Recovery offers the loan 270 with the name Renewable Energy Standard to promote photovoltaic systems.With a term of 5 to 20 years and an effective annual interest rate of 1.03 percent, up to 100 percent of the investment costs can be financed.To do this, the applicant must first find a financing partner, i.e. a bank, Sparkasse or insurance company, who applies for the KfW to apply for the plant operator.

The KFW then decides on the funding, but the loan contract itself is concluded by the plant operator with the financing partner.It is important to ensure that some banks are requesting the entry of the PV system in the land register for financing.However, this can be complicated and expensive, especially with existing real estate real estate.Plant operators should therefore choose a financing partner who does not require such a land register entry.

Promotion of federal states: In addition to KfW funding, many federal states also offer funding programs for PV systems.Often, electricity storage or e-charging stations in connection with a newly built system are also funded.In most cases, these are non -repayable grants with which a differential percentage of investment costs can be covered.

As a rule, the funding programs are aimed at operators whose system does not exceed the 10 kWp or 30 kWp limit.However, the exact requirements and funding conditions can be found in the individual programs.Important: In some cases, funding from other bodies - for example the KfW - may not be combined with the corresponding funding program of the federal state.Interested parties should take this into account when applying for a possible application.

The administrative aspect

By operating a PV system, private individuals are also classified as a company under tax law.Plant operators therefore have two options:

  1. Sie können sich umsatzsteuerpflichtig melden und die Umsatzsteuer auf die eingenommene Einspeisevergütung sowie den selbst verbrauchten Solarstrom an das Finanzamt abführen oder
  2. Sie können unter Umständen von der Small business regulation nach §19 Umsatzsteuergesetz Gebrauch machen.

VAT liability

VAT subject to VAT must pay the sales tax taken by the feed -in tariff to the tax office.The VAT occupied is offset against the sales tax (input tax) paid for the purchase of the system.The difference is then paid to the tax office or paid out to the plant operator.

Since plant operators produce the electricity as an entrepreneur under tax law but use it as a private individual, the sales tax must also be paid to the tax office on the self -consumed solar power.The amount of sales tax depends on the amount of self -consumption and the price for the electricity related from the network.A sample calculation shows how high the sales tax to be paid can be:

Solar power production: 4.000 kWh self -consumption: 1.500 kWh net current price: 0.30 euros / kWh VAT 19 %: 0.057 euros / kWh

VAT to be paid: 85.50 euros / year

PLEASION Operation operators are obliged to submit a monthly sales forecast in the first 24 months.From the third year this preliminary registration can be made quarterly, provided that certain sales tax amounts are not exceeded.In this way, plant operators inform the tax office about the monthly or.Quarters of sales tax incurred and lead them.Registration is usually regulated via the online portal Elster.

Note: Plant operators who decide to pay sales tax will receive the VAT office paid for when buying the system from the tax office.For this purpose, the input tax paid is given when the sales tax is registered for the first time.All necessary documents and documents must be submitted here.Once the tax office has been examined, this invoice shows how much money system operators can recover:

Gross price solar system: 11.900 euro -contained VAT 19 %: 1.900 eurosnetto costs solar system: 10.000

Reimbursement input tax: 1.900 euros

Small business regulation

System owners, whose solar system in the previous calendar year less than 17.500 euro erwirtschaftet hat und/oder im laufenden Kalenderjahr Einnahmen von 50.000 euros nicht übersteigen wird, können sich von der Umsatzsteuer befreien lassen.They fall under the so -called small business regulation and therefore do not have to pay sales tax on the sales achieved.

Due to the small business regulation, the accounting and tax effort decrease with the tax office.The monthly sales tax preliminary registrations are omitted and the annual report is also much easier because it remains identical every year as a so -called zero message.In addition, no sales tax must be paid to the self -consumed solar power.This can be particularly worthwhile for system operators who have a particularly high level of self-consumption due to an electricity storage or an electric car.

However, plant operators who choose the small business regulation do not receive the input tax paid from the tax office.In this case, the VAT paid when buying the system is not available in this case.

Tax deductibility

In principle, the costs for the purchase as well as the ongoing operation and the maintenance of a PV system can be deducted tax.In this way, loan interest, contributions to insurance or the costs for a electricity meter can be claimed as operating expenses.In addition, the acquisition costs for the components, the assembly or potential retrofits can be copyed over the service life of 20 years.

For private roof systems that were installed after 2010, there is only a depreciation option:

Here the acquisition costs are deprived evenly over the entire service life.Every year five percent of the net acquisition costs can be set as a depreciation.With a system for 19.000 euros könnten somit jährlich950 Euro als Abschreibung geltend gemacht werden.It should be noted that only the proportionate months are calculated for the depreciation of the first year in which the system is put into operation.

What should be considered when installing?

In addition to the financial aspect, further points must be observed when installing a solar system.So the system must first be registered with the Federal Network Agency.An online portal was set up for the registration.Here the system can be registered easily and easily by the system operator itself.

The name and address of the system operator, an email address, the exact location as well as the nominal output of the system in KWP and the day of commissioning must be specified.Registration should be made at the latest on the day of commissioning.If this does not happen, the plant operator loses the right to the feed -in tariff.

In addition, the system must be registered with the responsible network operator and an application for a network connection, since it feeds the solar power into the public power grid and paid the EEG remuneration to the system operator.According to the law, the network operator has up to eight weeks to carry out a network compatibility check.The application should therefore be made in principle before installing the system.

After the system has been installed, this is put into operation.Commissioning is documented by the commissioning protocol.Together with the certificate of the Federal Network Agency, this protocol is transmitted to the network operator.Only then can the feed -in tariff for the fed -up solar power be paid out to the operator.