Solar thermal or photovoltaics: an overview of advantages and disadvantages

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Solar thermal or photovoltaics: an overview of advantages and disadvantages
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

von Martina Heinemann am 11.08.2021

Getty ImagesSolarthermieanlagen haben viele Vorteile

The choice of solar thermal or photovoltaics depends on your own energy consumption and the location.Before deciding on one of the two technologies, you should know the respective advantages and disadvantages.

Solarthermie oder Photovoltaik: Vor- und Nachteile im Überblick

Solar thermal or photovoltaics: the advantages and disadvantages of solar thermal energy

Both solar thermal and photovoltaic systems gain energy from sunlight.With a solar thermal system, you can use the solar energy obtained for warming up water and heating.

Unsere Solaranlagen-KaufberatungDer große Solaranlagen Vergleich. Die besten Anbieter im Überblick.Jetzt informieren!Unsere Solaranlagen-KaufberatungDer große Solaranlagen Vergleich. Die besten Anbieter im Überblick.Jetzt informieren!

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Solar thermal or photovoltaics: The advantages and disadvantages of photovoltaics

In contrast to solar thermal systems, the solar energy is converted into electricity with a photovoltaic system.

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If you would like to buy used solar modules, you will find the advantages and disadvantages in the next article.