Smoke detector winner in comparison: functions, performance, price Stiftung Warentest smoke detector test winner 2021 at a glance

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Smoke detector winner in comparison: functions, performance, price Stiftung Warentest smoke detector test winner 2021 at a glance
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

In an emergency, fire detectors save lives with their loud alarm. But which models also offer high precision in smoke detection, a good price-performance ratio and a long service life? The experts at Stiftung Warentest investigated these and other questions. We reveal which smoke detectors performed best in the 2021 professional test.

-24%Optischer Rauchwarnmelder mit lautem alarmton, 10-Jahres-Batterie. Geprüft und ausgezeichnet.UVP 24,95 €18,90 €zum Shop24,99 €zum ShopStand: 11.02.2022

Bewährter Klassiker: Egg Electronics 650

The Egg Electronics 650 fire detector supplements common safety functions such as an 85 decibel alarm with practical extras such as its reduced test volume and a mute function. This quickly ensures silence in the event of a false alarm. Egg Electronics 650 is also supplied with a 10-year battery and is also suitable for freely accessible areas (e.g. hallways) thanks to the anti-dismantling device.

Ei Electronics Ei650-26%Rauchwarnmelder mit fest eingebauter 10-Jahres-Lithiumbatterie, arbeitet nach dem Streulichtprinzip, Schlafzimmertauglich - kein störendes LED-BlinkenUVP 28,38 €21,00 €zum ShopStand: 11.02.2022

Premium-Modell mit apartment: Hekatron Genius Plus Edition

With Hekatron Genius Plus, buyers receive a particularly user-friendly device that can be used e.g. B. automatically switches off its flashing status LED at night to enable undisturbed sleep.Practical: The free manufacturer app provides information about the status of the fire detector quickly and easily. Last but not least, the Genius Plus Edition meets the requirements of the state building regulations and is even suitable for frost-free basements, attics or other places with difficult environmental conditions.

Hekatron Rauchmelder Genius PLUS-39%Rauchwarnmelder mit integrierter Batterie (10 Jahre Lebensdauer) / Inkl. 1 x Klebepad, apartment-unterstütztUVP 36,83 €22,45 €zum Shop24,99 €zum Shop26,90 €zum ShopStand: 11.02.2022

Comparison: Technical data of the Stiftung Warentest smoke detector winner

Volume and battery life are the same for most smoke alarms. However, there are clear differences in the mounting options and the variety of functions, as our table shows.


Egg Electronics 650

Hekatron Genius Plus Edition


3.6cm x 10cm


4.8 x 10.4 cm


200 g


210 g (including packaging)

battery type

built-in 3V lithium battery

permanently installed lithium-ion battery

built-in lithium battery

battery range

about 10 years

about 10 years

about 10 years






Adhesive or screw mounting

screw mounting

Adhesive mounting (VdS approved), one-hole or two-hole mounting



Model variants 650EiW or 650EiC optionally wirelessly networkable, 650EiC also via wire

yes, Genius Home (Android | iOS)



View ABUS RWM150 on Amazon

Egg Electronics 650 bei Amazon ansehen

See Hekatron Genius Plus Edition on Amazon

This is how the Stiftung Warentest smoke detectors perform as winners in further tests

Our favorites not only achieved good results from the experts at Stiftung Warentest, they have also already convinced thousands of private users, as the following summary shows.

Stiftung Warentest winner ABUS RWM150 in the evaluation comparison

The optical smoke alarm device RWM150 from ABUS warns with its integrated 85 decibel siren as soon as it registers a certain amount of smoke particles in its measuring chamber. Regular self-tests with automatic troubleshooting keep the risk of false alarms low.

The built-in lithium-ion battery of the ABUS RWM150 has a range of up to 10 years, and a notification is sent when it is no longer providing sufficient power. ABUS RWM150 is also certified by VdS with the Q label and tested according to standard EN 14604 and VdS guideline 3131.

ABUS RWM150 – Editor's reviewThis quality smoke detector can monitor rooms of up to 40 square meters and is even suitable for caravans. Thus, ABUS RWM150 leaves nothing to be desired.

ABUS Rauchmelder RWM150-24%Optischer Rauchwarnmelder mit lautem alarmton, 10-Jahres-Batterie. Geprüft und ausgezeichnet.UVP 24,95 €18,90 €zum Shop24,99 €zum ShopStand: 11.02.2022

More tests and ratings for the Stiftung Warentest Sieger

Stiftung Warentest Sieger Egg Electronics 650 im Bewertungs-Vergleich

Auch bei Egg Electronics 650 handelt es sich um einen Melder, der Rauchpartikel optisch anhand des Streulichtprinzips erkennt. Bemerken seine Sensoren eine zu hohe Partikelkonzentration in der Messkammer, wird sofort eine 85 Dezibel laute, piezo-elektronische Sirene aktiviert. Verflüchtigt sich der Rauch wieder, z. B. weil angebranntes Essen entfernt wurde, schalten die Sensoren den Rauchmelder automatisch wieder aus. Es ist also nicht nötig per Leiter zur Zimmerdecke hinauf zu steigen und dies manuell zu tun.

Um langfristig voll funktionsfähig zu bleiben, verfügt Egg Electronics 650 außerdem über eine sogenannte Verschmutzungskompensation. Dies bedeutet: Die Sensorempfindlichkeit wird automatisch dem Messkammerzustand angepasst, so dass Staub oder andere Verunreinigungen möglichst wenig Fehlalarme auslösen können.

A test button and a broomstick-style mute button complete the features and make routine maintenance a breeze.

Egg Electronics 650 – Bewertung der RedaktionBewährtes Basismodell, das nicht rot blinkt und somit auch schlafzimmertauglich ist.

Ei Electronics Ei650-26%Rauchwarnmelder mit fest eingebauter 10-Jahres-Lithiumbatterie, arbeitet nach dem Streulichtprinzip, Schlafzimmertauglich - kein störendes LED-BlinkenUVP 28,38 €21,00 €zum ShopStand: 11.02.2022

More tests and ratings for the Stiftung Warentest Sieger

Hekatron Genius Plus Edition in a rating comparison

Hekatron smoke detectors have long been among the best models on the German market and have already received good ratings from Stiftung Warentest in 2015. The Genius Plus X variant was even voted the winner in January 2016 and again in a second test in March.

One of the reasons for this is probably the high functionality, which aims to combine as much comfort as possible with maximum security. For example, the Hekatron Genius Plus Edition offers B. a simple, intuitively recognizable status recognition by multicolored LEDs. To ensure that no flashing LEDs disturb your sleep, the smoke detector status display is automatically switched off between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m.

The Hekatron Genius Plus Edition is so robust that it can even be used in (frost-free) areas with difficult environmental conditions that would be unsuitable for other smoke detectors. E.g. unheated stairwells, basements or attics.

Hekatron Genius Plus Edition – Review by the editorsTop branded device with high-quality equipment and practical extras such as the multicolor LED status display and a disassembly lock.

Hekatron Rauchmelder Genius PLUS-39%Rauchwarnmelder mit integrierter Batterie (10 Jahre Lebensdauer) / Inkl. 1 x Klebepad, apartment-unterstütztUVP 36,83 €22,45 €zum Shop24,99 €zum Shop26,90 €zum ShopStand: 11.02.2022

More tests and ratings for the Stiftung Warentest Sieger

Which smoke detectors have been tested by Stiftung Warentest?

Stiftung Warentest attaches such great importance to the topic of fire protection that it regularly publishes new test results, reports and specials. In it, she shows that not every model can keep the safety promises of its manufacturer.

The following smoke detectors, on the other hand, received a grade of at least good (2.4) or better from Stiftung Warentest:

Smoke detector test 2021:

How did Stiftung Warentest carry out its smoke detector test?

Depending on the product tested, Stiftung Warentest grants criteria such as robustness, data protection or handling a different degree of influence on the test score. The type of measurement was also carried out using very specific test procedures. In the smoke detector test 2021, e.g. For example, it measured how precisely the individual devices detect smoke, how well they withstand a fall from a height of 2.5 meters onto a carpeted floor and whether important safety certificates were available. (Status: 01/2021)

Smoke detector test 2021 test criteria of Stiftung Warentest:

In order to be able to assess all of the criteria mentioned, Stiftung Warentest used four (instead of the previous two) test fires, in which, among other things, smoldering wood and cotton as well as burning plastic and the solvent heptane, which is also flammable, were used. Since this is a newly developed test scenario, Stiftung Warentest points out that the results of 2021 are not comparable to those of previous tests. (Status: 01/2021)

Who is responsible for installing and maintaining smoke detectors?

Kauf und Assembly von Rauchmeldern liegen in der Verantwortung des Wohnungs- oder Hauseigentümers. Anschließend sind in den meisten Bundesländern die Mieter für die Wartung zuständig. Der Eigentümer kann jedoch auf Wunsch die Prüfung der Funktionsfähigkeit auch selbst übernehmen oder auf eine Fachfirma übertragen, so Stiftung Warentest.

Die Installation von Rauchmeldern unterliegt dem Gebäude Eigentümer(auremar/Adobe Stock)

Do tenants have to pay for their smoke alarms themselves?

Grundsätzlich muss der Eigentümer die Kosten für Rauchmelder und deren Assembly erst einmal selbst zahlen, darf sie aber anschließend als Modernisierungskosten auf seine Mieter übertragen. Sollte der Eigentümer eine Fachfirma zur jährlichen Rauchmelderprüfung beauftragt, sind auch diese Kosten von den Mietern zu bezahlen.

Even if tenants have already purchased their own smoke detectors, the owner can insist on purchasing the model they prefer. For example, to enable a central functional test from the stairwell using new, radio-based devices.

Why are cheap smoke detectors often dangerous?

Fire alarms can sometimes be bought online for less than 5 euros. B. Entice owners of larger properties to buy spontaneously. Apparently, costs can be saved in this way, especially when buying a large number of items. However, interested parties should consider that such bargain models often only have a battery life of 5 or even 1 year instead of 10 years, which increases the maintenance effort enormously.

In addition, they usually lack practical operating options, such as a mute button for false alarms or a test button for functional testing.