Smoke detector test 2021: Stiftung Warentest selects winner

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Smoke detector test 2021: Stiftung Warentest selects winner
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Since January 2021, smoke detectors have been mandatory in Berlin, NRW, Brandenburg and the rest of Germany for all apartments in old buildings, existing apartments and houses. GIGA compares the current smoke detector test winners 2021 and shows you the current top 3 in Germany. There are also useful tips for the care and maintenance of fire detectors.

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Busch-Jaeger, Ei Electronics and Hekatron – most people should not be familiar with these names. It is these manufacturers that Stiftung Warentest has included among other things in the list of favorites for the best smoke detectors 2021. Smoke alarm devices have been compulsory for all households in Germany since January of this year. We dug through the best smoke detector tests and made the best selection of different models for you.

Basically, there are two different types of smoke alarm devices. The classic version is installed in a room and sounds as soon as the smoke concentration exceeds a certain threshold. The result is a very loud sound (85 dB). Radio networkable smoke alarm devices potentially offer more protection. As soon as a smoke detector goes off, it sends a radio signal to all connected smoke detectors in the house or apartment and triggers them as well. This feature is suitable for large domiciles.

Obligatory smoke detectors: What you should know before you buy Subscribe to us on YouTube

The best smoke detectors 2021: All test winners at a glance

There is a large selection of good and inexpensive smoke detectors . At first glance, almost all of them work the same: an optical sensor sounds an alarm as soon as smoke (or steam) enters the smoke detector. If a certain threshold is exceeded, a loud, continuous warning tone is emitted. In our selection of smoke detector test winners, we delved into the details because this is where it gets interesting. Not all smoke alarm devices work equally reliably. Some models are more prone to false alarms or responding to fires too late. We explain what the Q-Label and VdS seal of approval mean and go into the advantages of wireless models. In addition, we give you tips on the correct maintenance and cleaning of smoke detectors.

GIGA price tipTest winner Stiftung Warentest Amazon bestsellerTest winner with radio
ProductBrennenstuhl RM L 3100ABUS RWM150Ei Electronics Ei650Hekatron Genius Plus X
Priceapprox. 15 eurosapprox. 25 eurosapprox. 30 eurosapprox. 35 euros
Progood workmanshiphigh alarm reliabilitysuitable for bedroomshigh radio range
Contraloud test alarmnone RadioHandlingBattery too small
OfferAt Saturn ViewView at AmazonView at AmazonView at Amazon
Price comparison< /b>idealoidealoidealoidealo
GIGA savings tip: Brennenstuhl RM L 3100BRENNENSTUHL RM L 3100 smoke detector Now from €15.99 at MediaMarkt Similar offer at Saturn Price comparisonPrice can now be higher. Price from 02/11/2022 11:29 am



With a current street price of 15 euros, the Brennenstuhl RM L 3100 offers a lot for the money. The Stiftung Warentest rated the alarm reliability as “good” with a grade of 2.1. This puts the Brennenstuhl RM L 3100 just behind the test winners. The smoke alarm device offers some important functions that are otherwise only found in the higher price regions. The coveted Q certification means that the RM L 3100 has a high quality finish. There are neither gaps nor frayed plastic edges. The smoke detector easily withstands falls from a height of several meters.

We particularly like the pollution compensation. Many smoke detectors lose their ability to reliably sound the alarm due to dust. Contamination compensation counteracts this by dynamically adjusting the alarm threshold.

A small LED light flashes briefly every 40 seconds. This tells you that the Brennenstuhl smoke detector is working. Officially, the RM L 3100 loses its bedroom suitability. Ultimately, you have to decide for yourself whether the blinking bothers you.

Amazon bestseller: Ei Electronics Ei650

Ei Electronics Ei650 smoke detectorNow from €21.00 at Amazon Price comparisonPrice can now be higher. Price from 02/11/2022 1:00 p.m.


Smoke detector test 2021: Stiftung Warentest selected Winner


Almost 7000 reviews with an average of 4.7 out of 5 points on Amazon speak for themselves: the Ei Electronics Ei650 is a very popular smoke detector. Since I use it myself, I can confirm the mostly good impression of the reviews on Amazon. It is practical that it does not flash constantly, so you can also attach it in the bedroom or children's room. The Ei Electronics Ei650 is also VdS-approved. VdS (Association of Property Insurers) is an independent accreditation body for fire protection and burglary protection. The specifications for the VdS seal of approval are more demanding than the certification DIN EN 14604. The latter is required by law.

The Ei650 smoke detector from Ei Electronics does not have wireless capability. Here you have to reach for the bigger brother Ei Electronics Ei650RF.

Test winner at Stiftung Warentest: ABUS RWM150

ABUS smoke detector RWM150Now from €18.90 at Amazon Price comparisonPrice can now be higher. Price from 02/11/2022 10:57 am



There is no clear winner in the smoke detector test 2021 by Stiftung Warentest. A total of 4 smoke alarm devices share the test score of 1.9 (“good”). We chose the ABUS RWM150 for a number of reasons. On the one hand, it is the cheapest model among the test winners. On the other hand, the ABUS RWM150 has the best combined rating for alarm reliability (grade 1.9) and alarm volume (grade 1.9). Q label and VdS seal of approval are available.

In our opinion, the ABUS RWM150 offers the strongest complete package with functions such as dirt compensation, 10-year battery and bedroom suitability. A small flaw if you live in a large apartment or multi-storey house: A radio connection with other smoke alarm devices is not possible.

Test winner "Radio networkable smoke detectors" at Stiftung Warentest: Hekatron Genius Plus X

Hekatron PLUS X incl. radio moduleNow from €76.47 at Amazon Price comparisonPrice can now be higher. Price from 02/11/2022 11:34 am



In the "Wireless networkable smoke detectors" category, the picture is similar to that of conventional smoke alarm devices. There are a total of 3 candidates who are in first place at Stiftung Warentest with the same grade (1.9). The Hekatron Plus X is my favorite for two reasons. First, it is the cheapest test winner. With prices starting at 80 euros including the radio module, it's good if you can save a little money. Secondly, the Hekatron Plus X is suitable for use in bedrooms, without having to do without a control LED. Thanks to the integrated real-time clock, you can set rest times. The smoke detector does not flash during this time.

Smoke detector test 2021: How we selected the test winners

In this summary, we have included the results of the Stiftung Warentest (issue 01/2021), but also our own experiences. In addition, we have researched the most popular and best rated smoke alarms on Amazon so that we can point out the advantages and problems of long-term use of the smoke alarms.

Buying a smoke detector: what you need to know

Photo-optical vs. thermo-optical: Which smoke detectors are better?

There are two active principles for smoke alarm devices: photo-optical or thermo-optical. Most smoke detectors in Germany work photo-optically. In a light-protected chamber, a diode continuously emits an infrared beam onto a photodiode, which is made conductive by infrared light. If the infrared beam is interrupted by a certain amount of smoke particles, the alarm is triggered. The problem: Dust and water vapor also interrupt the infrared beam and can thus trigger a false alarm.

The problem does not exist with thermo-optical smoke detectors. These also check the temperature and only sound the alarm at around 60 degrees – so water vapor is not a problem. However, since thermo-optical smoke detectors require both smoke and a high temperature to trigger an alarm, they are unsuitable for most private purposes. Residents choke on the smoke until the fire alarm itself is hot enough.

DIN 14604, Q-Label and VdS seal of approval for smoke detectors - what does all this mean?

Smoke detectors have various certifications that confirm their quality. All smoke alarm devices in Germany must have the DIN 14604 certificate. A total of 29 standards must be met, including false alarm tolerance and sufficient volume. Smoke detectors with Q-Laber ("quality") go one step further.

Smoke detector with Q label:

The VdS seal of approval (“trust through security”) comes last. VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH, which awards the seal of approval, is Europe's largest institute for corporate security. Smoke detectors that have one must meet strict quality standards. The error tolerance is significantly lower than with the DIN 14603 certificate.

Replaceable or permanently installed: which type of battery is better for the smoke detector?

Smoke alarm devices with replaceable batteries need a new one every one to two years. Models with a permanently installed battery last 10 years from most manufacturers, after which the entire smoke detector must be disposed of. The advantages of long-life batteries are obvious - they last a particularly long time and do not have to be constantly replaced. The vast majority of high-quality models have such a lithium battery. The best of both worlds comes with the 2nd generation Nest Protect. Here you get a smoke detector with long-lasting and replaceable lithium batteries. The disadvantage is the relatively high price.

Smoke detectors give false alarms, especially at night - why?

30 days before the battery of a smoke detector is empty, it beeps. This is a sensible security measure and required by law. But this warning can also sound before that, and that mostly happens at night – and in the bedroom. Most of us like it cool there. Coupled with the lower temperatures at night, this can lead to low battery voltage in your smoke alarm. The smoke alarm device then thinks that the battery life is almost at the end and beeps accordingly.

Will insurance pay if there is no smoke alarm?

As the owner, you must ensure that smoke alarms are properly installed and working. However, it is still unclear how your insurance company's obligation to pay benefits will be handled in an emergency. To date, no court judgments have been rendered in this regard. In my opinion, the question is irrelevant. It's about protecting human life. The effort and costs for smoke detectors, on the other hand, are very small. Therefore: Do not hesitate and get good smoke detectors.

If there is a fire, we recommend a good fire extinguisher:

Smartwares ABC Fire ExtinguisherNow from €11.99 at Amazon Price comparisonPrice can now be higher. Price from 02/11/2022 1:18 p.m.

But be careful: You should only put out fires yourself if they are still relatively small. If in doubt, it is always better to leave the building and call the fire brigade (tel. 112).