Smoke Alarm Requirement: What Homeowners Should Know About Fire Alarms 5 Home Page Templates That Win Customers

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Smoke Alarm Requirement: What Homeowners Should Know About Fire Alarms 5 Home Page Templates That Win Customers
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

In 2016, smoke detectors will become mandatory in other federal states. Which regulations will apply in which federal states in the future? And which smoke detectors are recommended?

The nocturnal cigarette in bed, the forgotten Advent wreath or the switched on stove: around 400 people die every year as a result of a fire. 95 percent of them choke on toxic smoke gases. According to the General Association of the German Insurance Industry, the fires usually break out at night, often at home, and older people are particularly at risk.

Smoke alarms could have warned them. For this reason, most federal states have decided to make smoke detectors compulsory. When this comes into force varies from state to state - a distinction is also made between new and old buildings. You should know these facts:

In which federal states are there changes to the smoke detector requirement at the turn of the year?

In Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Bremen, existing residential buildings must be equipped with smoke detectors by the end of 2015. For new buildings and conversions, smoke detectors have been mandatory for a long time. As of January 1, 2016, smoke detectors are mandatory for all residential buildings in the three federal states.

There are also changes in Berlin and Saxony: from 2016, the installation of fire alarms in new buildings is to become mandatory. In Saxony-Anhalt, on the other hand, owners must have retrofitted their old buildings by the turn of the year.

In which federal states are there no regulations yet?

From 2016, fire alarms will be mandatory in new buildings in 15 federal states - only in Brandenburg there is no regulation yet.

The situation is more differentiated for old buildings: In nine federal states, smoke detectors are mandatory for old buildings in 2016: in Baden-Württemberg, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate, Schleswig-Holstein and now in Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Bremen.

Smoke Alarm Requirement: What Homeowners Should Know About Fire Alarms 5 Home Page Templates That Win Customers

In the next few years, the regulation will come into force in five other federal states: in Saarland and North Rhine-Westphalia, owners must have retrofitted by 2017, in Bavaria by 2018, in Thuringia by 2019 and in Berlin by January 1, 2020. Only in Saxony and Brandenburg no law for smoke detectors is planned.

Who is responsible for the installation and maintenance of smoke detectors?

The regulations for installation and maintenance differ in the individual federal states. The landlord is often responsible for the installation and inspection. However, the maintenance and in particular the frequent battery replacement can be transferred to the tenant in the rental agreement, for example in an additional clause.

The smoke detectors should be installed in bedrooms and children's rooms as well as in corridors that serve as escape routes. Detailed information can be found in the building regulations for each federal state.

What threatens landlords who do not equip their rental apartments with smoke detectors?

According to the association "Smoke detectors save lives", there is currently no supervisory authority for the obligation to install smoke detectors. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is the only state planning to classify missing fire alarms as an administrative offence. In the future, in the event of damage, a decision will be made as to how much a lack of fire protection could cost a landlord.

How do you recognize good quality smoke detectors?

In order to increase consumer information, the independent and manufacturer-neutral quality mark "Q" was introduced for smoke detectors. High stability, tested durability and a reduction in false alarms as well as a built-in battery with a service life of at least ten years are decisive for the "Q".

The "Smoke detectors save lives" association recommends only buying products that have the CE mark, including the test number, and the information "EN 14604". The "Q" supplements this minimum information. Here is a list of tested "Q" models.

Smart smoke detectors such as the "Nest Protect" belonging to Google are not yet "Q" tested according to the association. This model uses voice output to warn of smoke and carbon monoxide, for example, and also sends the alarm to smartphones and tablets. The American start-up Birdi has released a similar device, but with an additional function: it also monitors the air quality in the room.

Who is criticizing the smoke detector requirement?

The Federal Constitutional Court has examined whether tenants must tolerate the installation of data-collecting wireless smoke detectors in their apartments. A tenant from Cologne has sued his housing association, which wants to install such devices in his rooms. He has nothing against a simple smoke detector, but against a high-tech device that uses radio and ultrasound to monitor its surroundings, create movement profiles and record conversations. The data would be stored and passed on. The plaintiff's Cologne lawyer, Reinhard Gerharz, said this violated the inviolability of the apartment.

In January 2016, the plaintiff failed. In the end, the man only referred to the fact that the devices could be manipulated from his point of view, the judges in Karlsruhe found. With no chance of success, they did not even accept the lawsuit for a decision.

The Association of Berlin-Brandenburg Housing Companies (BBU) also criticizes the smoke detector requirement. "Fire prevention should be approached more holistically," said BBU spokesman David Eberhart. In addition, new annual costs would arise for owners and tenants, around 27 euros per year and apartment.

The Saxony fire brigade is also skeptical about the state's plans. From January 2016, smoke detectors are mandatory in new buildings and conversions. However, this only affects 0.25 percent of the entire housing stock, said spokesman Joachim Petrasch. “It makes no sense to exclude the 99.75 percent of existing buildings. A smoke detector requirement for old buildings in Saxony is currently not foreseeable.

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