The simplest maintenance is far too expensive: Tesla driver threatens to sell his Model 3

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  • The simplest maintenance is far too expensive: Tesla driver threatens to sell his Model 3
The simplest maintenance is far too expensive: Tesla driver threatens to sell his Model 3
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

von Franziska Albrecht am 08.08.2021

TeslaDen Luftfilter bei Tesla-Fahrzeugen zu wechseln, ist nicht so einfach.

Switching the air filter in a car is actually not a complicated thing.The owner of a Tesla Model 3 prepares so much difficulties that he even thinks about selling his has written down his story.

"Even for Tesla it is absolute madness, a vehicle part that is usually easily accessible to construct in such a way.I tried all night to place an screwdriver and an Allen key where the screw is located, ”complains Tesla driver and Reddit user Petethejuggler on the social news platform.

According to him, it is far too expensive to call Tesla's mobile maintenance service, according to him.He learned from other car owners that the air filter change costs the equivalent of over 126 euros."Under these circumstances, I would have no problems getting rid of my car.And bye."

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Screenshot: reddit.comDiese recht harmlos aussehende Delle im Unterboden eines Tesla Model 3 kam die Versicherung teuer zu stehen.

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Some Reddit users can understand the frustration of the electric car owner."I agree with you that it is annoying to change the air filter in Model 3, but it works even worse. Ich habe ähnliche Erfahrungen bei Hondas und Nissans gemacht", kommentiert machosaurus.

Other users offer alternative solutions."Replace the last screw with a self-adhesive neodymium magnet. Dann hast du es beim nächsten Mal leichter", meint FatherPhil und Nutzer Herefortickets ergänzt: „Ich wechsle meinen [Filter] ständig.The best thing to do is find an attachment that is bent for which a screw.The rest should just take a few minutes."

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imago images / PixsellDas Model 3 wird von Consumer Reports wieder als "Top Pick" geführt.

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The model 3 owner also bought such a screwdriver-and does not sell his vehicle.

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Are Tesla repairs really so much more expensive?

Already in previous articles we have reported that Tesla is partly at repairs.So an owner of a Model 3 had to experience that Tesla almost 14 for repairs.000 euros requested, while a workshop then resolved the damage for around 600 euros ( reported).However, it was a damage in the underbody on the battery - Tesla wanted to replace the entire battery, a workshop that specializes in accusation could work more precisely and thus more cost -effective.

A similar damage occurred at another Tesla-Model-3 driver who recorded a small dent on the underbody.Here repair costs of Satsen 26.$ $.Because the dent proved to be total damage, since the battery, the coolant pump and the front and rear engines had to be replaced ( also reported).

In short: As soon as the battery is damaged, the repairs become expensive.And that's not a typical phenomenon.

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