Siemens sells the postal and package business |

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Siemens sells the postal and package business |
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Siemens has found a buyer for his logisics division post and packette technology.

Hamburger Körber AG buys the postal and package logistics division from Siemens Logistics and thus expands its own portfolio in the area of supply chain.A corresponding agreement for the takeover has been signed, according to the official message from Siemens Logistics.The purchase price is 1.15 billion euros and corresponds to the company value.The conclusion is expected - subject to the corresponding official permits - in the course of this calendar year.

As early as 2021, it was announced that Siemens in favor of its own growth strategy, which does not want to reduce the core business.This also includes the post and package business of the subsidiary Siemens Logistics with around 1,200 employees.The division includes planning, construction, manufacturing, sales, installation and commissioning as well as maintenance and other services in post and parcel automation.Most recently, an annual turnover of around 500 million euros was generated in the segment.

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“We are very pleased that we have found the ideal new owner for the postal and package business for our employees and customers with Körber.The future -oriented strategy of Körber for growth, innovations and investments is in the best interest of everyone involved, ”said Roland Busch, chairman of the Siemens AG board.

Siemens Logistics had previously split up the business with large drives.The division for the development of solutions for airport logistics, for example in terms of digitization and for luggage and freight setting, remains with Siemens.


Körber is expanding its own supply chain offer

The demand for innovative solutions for postal and package processing and more and more efficient processing continues in the face of increasing shipment quantities from e-commerce. Körber will therefore supplement its previous offer in the area of supply chain and the postal and package logistics will be added to oneDeveloping strong division, it continues.The technology group also benefits from the existing access to leading logistics providers.

“As a leading provider in the global courier, express, package and e-commerce market, Siemens Logistics is first classified worldwide.With Siemens Logistics's postal and package business, we widen and complement our market offer as a leading worldwide partner of the supply chain and e-commerce industry-for all relevant solutions such as hardware, software, digitization and system integration, ”says StephanSeifert, CEO of Körber AG, for takeover.

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