Wait gas heating: how often and why?

Wait gas heating: how often and why?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The Germans are actually reliable in annual inspections.But when it comes to having the gas heating wait, many tend to go for negligence.You can ensure security with little effort and keep energy costs low.

Regular inspection saves costs and energy

"Heating and hot water systems as well as room air-technical systems must be operated properly, to wait and maintain," stipulates the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV).According to EnEV, regular inspection of gas heating is one of the operators or the tenant's duties.

The inspection is carried out by a specialist company that can be commissioned by the homeowner via a maintenance contract.Such an agreement doubles, among other things, the guarantee of the systems, but also extends their lifespan.

Regular maintenance of gas heating is also financially worthwhile: if the heating system works perfectly, the consumption values are also optimal.This means that they otherwise save unnecessarily consumed energy and thus also costs.

Gasheizung warten: Wie oft und warum?

Waiting for gas heating: a case for the specialist

The specialist craftsmen inspect the boiler at regular intervals - at least once a year.If you find that the settings are not satisfactory, for example because the heating heats too much or too little, the inconsistencies can be cleared by further inspections by appointment.

Depending on the contract modalities, many experts also offer to fix disorders on Sundays and public holidays.When the experts are waiting for the gas heating, check the wear parts of the devices and clean individual elements, since millimeter -thin layers can already raise the consumption by around five percent.The security and regulatory facilities are also checked.

Check electrodes

In addition, the installer should check the electrodes and flame in the gas heating.Defective or failing electrodes can switch off the system - for safety reasons.This prevents the flammable gas mixture in the heating.The result: the heating is canceled.

An annual exchange is often not necessary.If defects or parts that have an aging have to be replaced, consumers must expect around 150 euros per electrode depending on the manufacturer.

The chimney sweep also checks whether the system is set correctly and the safety conditions fulfilled.This not only benefits your health, but also increases the lifespan of gas heating and its energy efficiency.

Become active

In order to maintain the quality of your boiler, you can also create a hand as a layperson and wait for your gas heating - at least a bit.Since oxygen is required for gas combustion, the heating rooms must be ventilated regularly.You should also create cavities between the cladding of the lines, which must also be ventilated accordingly.

Avoid, on the other hand, to suspend the lines heavy loads.It is also strongly recommended that the gas heating can be switched off immediately in an emergency.A barricaded gas tap can have devastating consequences.

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