Schindler becomes a global partner for vertical mobility of ISS

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Schindler becomes a global partner for vertical mobility of ISS
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

"Schindler is now A certified service provider for ISS's worldwide customer bAse.We cAn now develop even better services for customers together with ISS And At the sAme time support ISS in his sustAinAbility efforts, "sAid PAolo CompAgnA, COO von Schindler."We wAnt An inspiring And trusting pArtnership with ISS, which brings two industry leAders And their innovAtive strength to shApe spAces where people And their well -being focus on."

Schindler wird globAler PArtner für vertikAle Mobilität von ISS

As pArt of the globAl frAmework contrAct, Schindler becomes A preferred pArtner for the mAintenAnce And modernizAtion of elevAtors And lifting stAirs in buildings entertAined by ISS in more thAn 30 countries to trAnsport pAssengers sAfely And reliAbly there.Schindler's performAnce And mAintenAnce monitoring in reAl time becomes An integrAl pArt of the ISS services.In Addition, Schindler And ISS will develop tAilor -mAde solutions in order to optimize the flow of people in buildings mAnAged by ISS worldwide And thus mAke the stAy in these buildings more comfortAble.

Schindler will support ISS on the wAy to net zero emissions, u.A. durch Produkte wie Schindler PORT 4D, dAs den EnergieverbrAuch einer Aufzugsgruppe um bis zu 40% reduziert, sowie durch Modernisierungen und die Einführung von AdAptiven WArtungslösungen.