Rent heating instead of buying - is heat contracting worth it?

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Rent heating instead of buying - is heat contracting worth it?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Gas heating average is the energy consumption with a gas heating at 160 kWh per sqm per year, which corresponds to around 16 cubic meters of natural gas or 10.43 euros a year for every square meter.But there are huge differences between the building types: old buildings require 200 kWh per sqm and more, a passive house only 15 kWh per square meter.In the annual accounts makes a difference of 2500 euros.The hot water requirement was not taken into account.

Average energy consumption of a single-family house with gas heating:

Heizung mieten statt kaufen - lohnt sich das Wärmecontracting?

GebäudeartRechnung(kWh/m²*a) * m² * (€/kWh)Heizkostenpro Jahr
Baujahr bis 1977 200 x 200 x 0,0694 €2.776 €/a
Baujahr bis 2002 100 x 200 x 0,0694 €1.388 €/a
KfW-Effizienzhaus 7060 x 200 x 0,0694 € 833 €/a
Passiv-Haus 15 x 200 x 0,0694 €208 €/a

Image source: Vaillant Group

Image: Vaillant