von Martina Heinemann am 14.08.2021
imago images / Westend61Eine Photovoltaik-Anlage auf einem Flachdach produziert nicht unbedingt weniger Strom.If you have a flat roof, you don't have to do without a photovoltaic system.The roof pitch has an impact on the electricity yield, but there are ways to artificially generate them.A flat roof even offers some advantages.
Photovoltaic system on flat roof: You have to pay attention to this
In order for a photovoltaic system to provide the highest possible solar power yield, the solar modules should be installed so that the sun's rays come up optimally.The south direction of a roof without shading and a roof angle between 30 and 35 degrees are the ideal basic requirement for solar power generation.But also on a flat roof it is possible to attach a solar system.You should consider the following points.
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Photovoltaic: The advantages of a flat roof
The installation of a photovoltaic system on a flat roof offers some advantages.
Welcher Solaranlagenanbieter ist Testsieger 2021?"Jetzt über die EFAHRER Testergebnisse informieren!“Welcher Solaranlagenanbieter ist Testsieger 2021?"Jetzt über die EFAHRER Testergebnisse informieren!“Photovoltaic: The disadvantages of a flat roof
There are different disadvantages that you should know.
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Solar systems: 7 providers at a glance
Produce your own electricity for your house and electric car.The photovoltaic providers offer different advantages and disadvantages.In our extensive purchase advice, you will find out about the largest solar players in Germany.
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