Oilfox - smart tank measurement

Oilfox - smart tank measurement
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Our solution for your own home, your small business or your property management

The OilFox is the modern and contemporary answer for fast and automatic tank level measurement with Wi-Fi connection. You can read the filling level of your fuel oil tank conveniently and at any time via your smartphone-this way you can keep an eye on consumption at any time.

Log in and register for TotalEnergies OilFox. With the digital measuring instrument, which is mounted on the free opening of your fuel oil cover, the level is automatically determined via ultrasonic sensors and transmitted to the OilFox app on your smartphone. The installation at the opening of your oil tank is done quickly and the operation of the intelligent level meter is easy. The digital level meter on the tank transmits the fuel oil filling level to the free FoxMobile app via the mobile data connection or via your WLAN. Benefit from the benefits now and order the OilFox 2.

All advantages at a glanc

The data obtained by the intelligent level meter will be transmitted to the app either via your WLAN or via the mobile data.Save the level at which you want to receive a push message so that you still have enough time for your fuel oil order.

Arrange a level limit with our customer consultants, at which we contact you and inform you about the current fuel oil price. In addition, you can also directly display the current price for your region under heating oil prices in the Heizöl-Onlineshop.

How much does the OilFox 2 level meter cost?

We offer you the level meter OilFox 2 mobile connect and the OilFox 2 WiFi for only 85 €tax excl. VAT and for 48 €excl. VAT as an annual service fee. With the OilFox 2 mobile connect, you can decide for yourself whether the data transfer should be done via your home WLAN network or via mobile data transmission.

With the OilFox 2, you can easily read your current level via your tablet or smartphone after installation on the tank and downloads of the OilFox app. The annual costs for data transmission, maintenance and service are 48 €plus VAT. VAT per year.

Sind Sie bereits heiz&SPAR+ Kunde?

Oder möchten Sie ein heiz&SPAR+ Wärmekonto bei uns abschließen, dann erhalten Sie den OilFox 2 zum Vorzugspreis für einmalig 59€ zzgl. MwSt und 24€ zzgl. MwSt als jährliche Gebühr. Teilen Sie uns diese Information einfach über das dazugehörige Kästchen im Anmeldeformular mit.

If you have completed the registration form, please save it and send it by e-mail to: ms.de-tmg-oilfox [at] totalenergies.com

Alle Informationen zum Download & im Überblick zum OilFox, dem intelligenten Tankmess-System

Also install the OilFox app on your smartphone.

Apple Appstore - OilFox App downloadenGoogle Playstore - OilFox App downloaden

Falls Sie noch weitere Fragen haben, haben wir Ihnen hier ein paar zusammengestellt.

Wie kann ich mich für den OilFox registrieren?

Registration takes place via the OilFox-App specially developed for Android and smartphone. The MobileFox app can be downloaded from the app store.

Wie wird der OilFox installiert?

The OilFox is screwed onto the existing tank via the available access with a 1.25 / 1.5 or 2 inch connection.

Wieviel kostet der OilFox?

Das Gerät kostet einmalig 85,00 € zzgl. MwSt. Die monatlichen Kosten für die Übertragung, den Service und die Wartung des Systems betragen 4,00 zzgl. MwSt €. heiz&SPAR Kunden bieten wir den OilFox für einmalig 59,00€ zzgl. MwSt und 2,00€ zzgl. MwSt monatlich an.

Welche Daten kann ich über die OilFox App sehen?

The OliFox shows me the current fuel content. The data is updated every 24 hours.

Wie kann ich meine Benachrichtigung für das Fülllimit festlegen?

When the OilFox is first logged in / set up via the named OilFox app, the warning thresholds can be defined / set.

Werde ich automatisch kontaktiert bevor mein Heizöltank leer ist?

Once the default alert alert threshold has been reached, the system sends a push message to the user.