Not only sunshine is important: these factors influence solar systems

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Not only sunshine is important: these factors influence solar systems
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

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von zolar am 30.10.2021

Getty Images / manfredxyWann sind die ertragreichsten Monate von PV-Anlagen? Alle Antworten erhalten Sie hier.

Sure, a solar system needs sunshine to generate electricity.So that you can get the maximum out, you should consider a few other factors.

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The yield of solar systems a year

Although modern PV systems reliably produce electricity all year round, homeowners are still concerned with concern, a solar system would not be worthwhile over the entire year.The yield of solar systems is therefore a key figure that many people interested in PV decide before deciding to install a photovoltaic system.Basically, the yield of a solar system defines its solar power generated within a certain period of time.As a rule, annual yields are considered, sometimes also monthly data.The yield of a solar system per day is less meaningful, as this is data that is difficult to compare.

Basically, the amount of solar power produced is of course always dependent on the size of a solar system.The more solar modules are installed, the higher the yield.Since the earnings value depends particularly on the installed performance, this is specified as a specific yield of kilowatt hours per kilowattpeak installed performance (kWh/kWp).If you make the yield of a PV system dependent on the size, you can compare data from different systems and different periods.

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These factors influence the yield of solar systems

The data sheets of solar modules generally contain information on productivity.This data is tested under ideal conditions in the premises provided.In reality, solar systems are exposed to different influences from outside, which influence the yield of the solar systems.

1.The location of the solar system

You may have heard of the term "global radiation".This refers to the amount of sunlight, which meets the solar modules at a certain location and is given in watts per square meter.In fact, the global radiation is also calculated in an annual balance of kilowatt hours.Regional differences can be seen here, but modern solar systems work so efficiently that installation in Germany is noticeably profitable.

Nicht nur Sonnenschein ist wichtig: Diese Faktoren beeinflussen Solaranlagen

The shading of the solar system is also a question of the location.If there is no sunlight to the solar module, this cannot produce any energy.What is often deterred by homeowners can be easily solved these days: Solar modules are switched into rows and the amount of energy generated is usually depending on the performance of the weakest module, but so -called bypass dijoise help.In the case of smaller shading, these compounds ensure that shaded modules are skipped in the series circuit and thus the maximum yield is guaranteed during the day.

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2.The efficiency of solar systems

The efficiency indicates how efficiently the solar system works.There are different levels of efficiency, each relating to one of the components of their photovoltaic system: the efficiency of the solar modules, the inverter and that of the solar cables, which primarily deals with the calculation of possible performance losses in energy transport.

3.Orientation of the solar modules

The orientation in which your solar modules are attached to the house roof influences the performance and thus the yield of your PV system.Basically, the orientation to the south is most effective.If you don't have a roof with southern direction, you don't have to do without the in -house solar power.With just a few additional modules, the east-west assignment can usually achieve at least the same yield.But not only the orientation, but also the angle of inclination of the solar modules is noticeable in the balance sheet of the kilowatt hours of their photovoltaic system: Depending on the season and location, the sun rays meet in a different angle on the solar modules.An ideal angle of inclination is therefore calculated from a mixture of the different radiation angles.For a southern orientation, the ideal angle of inclination is between 30 and 45 degrees.But the following also applies here: If no ideal angle of inclination is feasible, compensation with a corresponding roof occupancy can be created at any time.

zolarHausbesitzer werden unabhängiger durch Strom aus ihrer Solaranlage.Welcher Solaranlagenanbieter ist Testsieger 2021?"Jetzt über die EFAHRER Testergebnisse informieren!“Welcher Solaranlagenanbieter ist Testsieger 2021?"Jetzt über die EFAHRER Testergebnisse informieren!“

How much electricity does a solar system produce?

As described before, the yield of a solar system differs depending on the size, orientation, location, efficiency and angle of inclination.Nevertheless, average data can be collected and compare for the yield of solar systems.

Basically, 1.000 kilowatt hours of electricity per kilowatt peak installed performance can be assumed.You must note that this information is an average value.Basically, a system with the ideal orientation and a suitable inclination angle can generate up to 1300 kilowatt hours per kilowatt peak performance at a location with high global radiation (e.g. in southern Germany), with less ideal conditions it can still be around 700 kilowatt hours per kilowatt peak.What initially sounds as if you should preferably only think of the installation of a solar system under ideal conditions, the yield can generally be easily compensated for by the correct configuration and number of solar modules.

A 10 kilowatt peak solar system generates between 8 in the year.000-12.500 kilowatt hours of solar power.A system with 5 kilowatt peak installed performance generates around 4 annually.000-6.500 kilowatt hours of electricity.Enough to provide a family of four.A total of 45.823 billion kilowatt hours of solar power were generated in Germany in 2020.

zolarHausbesitzer werden unabhängiger durch Strom aus ihrer Solaranlage.

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The most profitable months of PV systems

If the question would be asked when photovoltaic systems work the most profitable, the summer months would probably be the most response.Why?Because the most hours of sunshine prevail in this season because it is warm and this is why this period is most likely connected with a high proportion of solar energy.

Basically, this assumption is not wrong.The more hours of sunshine the season, the more productive the solar modules work.In the autumn and winter months, solar systems produce an average of about a quarter of their entire energy energy.The reason is obvious: In these seasons there is usually snowfall, rain or covered daily sections, which are generally rather negative in the production of solar power.

However, unlike fundamentally thought, solar systems are mostly the most productive in spring.The months of the year in which the sun already seems a large number of hours, but the temperatures remain moderate, are ideal conditions for effective work for solar modules.In fact, high temperatures reduce the performance of solar modules, so that in summer, if only with minimal differences, fewer kilowatt hours of solar power are generally produced than in spring.


The yield of PV systems depends on different factors.These range from the location to alignment and can influence the performance of the solar system.If you want to find out about the expected amount of solar power in advance, you must therefore have a precise location analysis carried out.Basically, with the average value of 1.000 kilowatt hours per 1 kilowatt peak installed performance can be expected.Depending on where and how your solar system is ultimately installed, this value may be under- or exceeded.

Homeowners no longer have to worry about a too low yield.Powerful modules and technical refinements make it possible to achieve high yields with solar systems and to live with the right components even more than several months a year from public electricity providers.

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