New World is online - information about release, servers and queues - as of October 6th.

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  • New World is online - information about release, servers and queues - as of October 6th.
New World is online - information about release, servers and queues - as of October 6th.
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

New World celebrated its release on September 28th. It started early in the day and we at MeinMMO accompanied the start with this live ticker. Here we will continue to inform you about server problems and queues.

Update October 6th 11:00am: There is an extended maintenance for today. It should take about 4 hours and starts at 12:00 p.m. our time.

Update October 4, 9:30 a.m.: Even over the weekend, everything still indicates that many players cannot join their desired server without a long queue. However, the newest servers are relatively empty. In the meantime, the first player has also reached level 60:

New World: The first player has reached the max level - That's how long it took

Update 12:00 p.m.: We at MeinMMO have prepared another guide and also reported on the problems with graphics cards:

Update 10:40 am: New World is undergoing maintenance, however this will only affect players who log in now. Players on a server or in a queue are not affected:

Update 10:20 am: The big servers have queues again this morning, but there are also almost 50 servers where you don't have to wait at all.

Update 6:30am: Good morning to day 4 since release. During the night there were some new servers again:

Amazon has also published another statement about the server problems:

Update 6:30 p.m.: Amazon has announced some workarounds for current problems (via NewWorld Forum):

Update 1:10 p.m.: Some players are currently reporting that they cannot see any servers in Europe at all. Everything goes smoothly in America. We too have just experienced this problem:

Update 1:00 p.m.: We have created a new guide with the 7 biggest beginner mistakes that you should definitely avoid.

Update 12:30 p.m.: Some of the major European servers have queues of between 500 and 5,000 players. However, the newest servers sometimes have no queue at all. So if you want to play, you will definitely come to it.

Update 10:50 am: We've revised our guide on how to quickly level to 60. So if you want to use your time effectively, you will find all the tips here:

New World: How to quickly reach max level 60 in the new MMO

Update 10:30 a.m.: Apparently new server capacities are being tested in Australia. According to players, there should be room for 2,500 instead of 2,000 players. However, these numbers are not officially confirmed!

Update 8:30 a.m.: If you are wondering whether there is an AFK timer and how it works, you will find it here:

New World has an AFK Timer - When will I get kicked?

Update 7:15 am: Good morning and welcome to Day 3 of the New World Ticker. More servers were released during the night, but this time for America on the east and west coasts.

There have also been discussions in the forum about linking Amazon and Twitch accounts. According to the latest forum post, the problems should be fixed.

Last but not least, the queues look bearable at this early hour. Only a German server has a short queue:

Update 9:45 p.m.: At the end of the day we have updated our large guide overview.

See you again tomorrow morning for another day in the ticker!

Update 21:30: New World got several EU worlds again, this time with some servers for fixed languages:

Update 7:45 p.m.: New World got 27 new EU worlds. This increases the number of servers to 117, although this time “only” 4 German worlds were included:

Remember that you can simply gamble on one of the new servers and later transfer for free. More about this here: New World is struggling with full servers, and will soon offer free character transfers as a solution.

Update 7:20 p.m.: Community manager Tosch revealed in the forum that work is continuing to open new servers in Europe. He will post an update once these go live. It can't go fast enough!

Update 6:25 p.m.: If you want to browse a little more, you will find an interesting statement from the Twitch streamer shroud:

Twitch streamer shroud explains: This is why New World is not an MMO for casual gamers

Update 18:00: We haven't forgotten the ticker, but there is currently no great news about the queue and server problems. Many players are currently waiting for new servers to be released for Europe, especially in view of our upcoming prime time.

Update 2:45pm: The queue situation is getting worse. First servers have 5,000 players and more in front of them and even the small servers have waiting times:

Update 1:30 p.m.: As people keep asking about console versions, here is the current statement from Amazon:

Update 12:30 p.m.: Everything is still working, but the queues are slowly getting longer. We also want to know from you how you find New World so far:

Tell me: how do you like the MMO New World after the first few hours?

Update 11:30 a.m.: The new German server Suddene currently has no queue. So if you want to play New World, you should go there. It seems crazy that there are over 2,000 players waiting in line on the German servers Ravenal and Utgard.

Update 11:20 a.m.: I got the situation with the servers off my chest again and wrote a small column about it. Ideal reading material during the queue:

I knew the launch of New World was going to be bad, but I was still pissed.

Update 11:05am: The American servers are now also getting a 90 minute maintenance like we did in the morning. New servers will also be published there. But that shouldn't concern us in Europe.

Update 11:00 a.m.: The world of Vargon, which caused problems all day yesterday, is now back, with characters:

Update 10:10 am: We at MeinMMO have made a new guide, this time on healer builds in New World.

Update 10:00 a.m.: There is still no statement on the problems with the companies. However, if you want to play this morning, you can already expect queues on the big servers. The ray of hope: Some new servers currently have no queue at all.

Update 8:10am: It looks like there is no one left in his company after the reboot. I myself am no longer in it, neither is the leader of the guild, and in the server chat many complain that they no longer belong to a company either.

Update 8:05 am: The servers are back online!

Update 8:01 am: The servers are still in maintenance mode. We'll let you know when they go live or when Amazon announces an extension.

Update 7:12 am: All servers in Europe are currently undergoing maintenance. Anyone who was hoping to be able to play this morning will be disappointed for now.

Maintenance will run from 6:30 a.m. to approximately 8:00 a.m. It is intended to prepare the servers for more worlds to be released.

Update 7:10am: Good morning and welcome to Day 2 with New World. Also today we from MeinMMO inform you about everything to do with the servers and queues as well as the things that are currently happening at New World.

Update 9:00 p.m.: With this picture of the current server situation, we say goodbye to the ticker for today. Tomorrow morning we will inform you directly about queues, problems and the latest news about New World.

We also made a little guide on iron ore: How to find iron ore in New World.

Update 8:30 p.m.: The servers are definitely back online. We were even able to cheat our way past the queue and are now in game unlike before the crash.

Update 20:10: Some EU servers seem to have crashed, but others are still running. Annoying with the long queues. According to the official website, however, all servers should be online (via New World).

Update 7:37 p.m.: At the end of today we have updated our tier list for weapons in PvE and PvP.

Update 7:30 p.m.: New World has again commented on the queues and promised the release of further servers. In addition, players can change servers for free in the next 2 weeks, so that they can then play together with their friends:

Update 6:03 p.m.: 10 hours after the release we draw the following conclusion:

What is your impression of the launch? How much could you play? Write it in the comments!

By the way, if you are looking for current guides to New World, you will find them here:

New World is online – release info , Servers and Queues - Updated 10/6

Update 6:00 p.m.: The new launch trailer for New World is here:

Update 5:30pm: Twitch drops are now active. You can get weapon skins for New World by watching Twitch.

If you also watch German streamer Entenburg, you can win a version of New World every 30 minutes.

Update 4:47 p.m.: Australia also got 4 new servers.

Update 4:45 p.m.: There is now a new statement from Amazon about the queues, but this is of little help:

Update 4:20 p.m.: The servers are not the only ones with long queues. In the meantime, you also have to queue up for the bosses ingame.

Update 3:50 p.m.: Amazon has opened 4 new servers, all for German players. This is where the rush really seems to be the greatest:

Update 3:22 p.m.: At 5 p.m. today, the Twitch Drops will be activated and special loot will be unlocked via Prime Gaming. You can find out exactly what you get and how to link your accounts here:

New World is giving away cool guns via Twitch for a limited time - Here's how it works

Update 3:15 p.m.: It is now relatively certain that the New World servers are "capped". A certain number of players can be on it, but players only move up when they are gone. That explains the hour-long queues in which we at MeinMMO are also stuck.

At the moment, many players are mainly hoping for new servers, because the previous 10 new ones are already overcrowded.

Update 2:25 p.m.: In addition to new servers in Europe, Australia also got the first 4 new servers almost an hour after the start (via New World).

Update 2:16 p.m.: There is a persistent rumor that streamers are given preferential treatment in the queue. Community Manager Mugsy says about this in the forum:

Update 2 p.m.: Amazon has opened more servers, including 5 more for German players:

Update 1:20 p.m.: Not much has changed in the situation. The queues are as long as ever and the new servers are already under siege. In total, according to SteamDB, over 350,000 players were online at 12:20 p.m. (the numbers come with a one-hour delay).

At 2:00 p.m., the Americans on the east coast will start their servers. Let's see if it goes up again.

Update 1:00 p.m.: We at MeinMMO are also currently all stuck in the queue. So here's a little something to cheer about:

Update 12:30pm: New servers have finally started! These are 3 new worlds, two for German players:

Update 12:05 p.m.: How successfully New World started can also be seen on Steam. Without America, Brazil and Australia, the beta record was broken. There are already over 240,000 players online, which catapults New World to number 3 in the Steam charts.

Update 11:38 am: The rush to New World is huge. We have taken up the exact situation with the queues again here:

New World: Biggest rush for a new MMORPG in 2 years - Huge queues

Update 11:20 am: The login servers seem to be working again. But for that you have to queue again...

Update 10:57 a.m.: At 2:00 p.m. the first servers in America will be launched. It will be interesting to see if this makes things more relaxed in Europe.

Update 10:54 a.m.: The registration servers are down, so you can no longer queue. Despite this, over 18,000 are said to be currently queued on Utgard.

Amazon itself only says that some servers are still taking time to start up.

Update 10:46 am: Suddenly there are no more servers. Some players report that and I don't see any more servers in the list either. Restarting the game didn't help.

Update 10:44 am: The first servers are back. Some players report that their seat was reserved online and they skipped the line. In Ravenal, I got 94th place myself after the restart, even though there were over 2,000 in the queue. So there seems to be something to it.

Update 10:31 am: Most of the servers are now under maintenance and it also seems to have caught more than originally announced.

Update 10:27 a.m.: Ravenal has now been hit and the server is down.

Update 10:20 am: At 10:30 am all servers except Baltia, Tanje, Amenti, Ravenal, Utgard, Albraca, Hellheim and Hades will be restarted. There will be a maintenance of about 15 minutes, says Amazon.

Update 10:18 am: We looked again at the situation with the names: That's why you definitely won't get the name you want in New World.

Update 10:07 a.m.: By the way, don't be alarmed if there is a DC and your character is displayed as level 1. This is just a display bug.

Update 10:05 a.m.: The queues are very long, especially on the German servers. Servers that hardly have a queue probably had some crashes and maintenance work. At least for the server Fae maintenance has been officially confirmed (via New World).

Update 9:55 a.m.: Slowly there are more problems. There was a larger DC on Ravenal, but the servers stayed online. It looks like space on the server will be reserved for a short time so you can get back on it quickly.

Update 9:45 a.m. What is actually in the New World real money shop? We took a closer look at this in an article.

Update 9:30 a.m.: Almost 90 minutes have passed since the release and it can be summarized as follows:

  • There are repeated crashes and black screens during character creation in the queue.
  • Some servers are said to have crashed in between or are in maintenance mode. At least for Ravendal we cannot find such a problem.
  • Amazon itself has still not commented on the problems.

    Update 9:17 am: The queues remain a problem and many players are hoping that Amazon will continue to deliver servers. That was promised in advance, should the rush be too great.

    Update 8:45am: In preparation for New World, many are looking for build guides right now. We also have something on offer for you:

    Update 8:40 a.m.: If you want to while away the waiting time, you can take a look at the patch notes for the release. There are some important bug fixes and minor adjustments in there.

    We have also put together for you which server your favorite streamer is on.

    Update 8:30 a.m.: The queues are getting longer and many now fear even longer waiting times for the "prime time" in the evening. The German server Utgard already has a queue of over 10,000 players.

    So far, there has been no statement from Amazon on the situation.

    Update 8:15 am: On the positive side, the first boss from the starting area respawns almost instantaneously when defeated. This solves one of the bottlenecks at the start of New World.

    Update 8:10 a.m. It seems that some are just reserving their name and then exiting the queue. These are probably players outside of Europe, because the servers are only online with us. However, the names apply worldwide.

    Update 8:07 a.m.: Queues of sometimes 1,000 players - that's crazy.

    Update 8:03 am: There are long black screens after character creation. Nevertheless, it continues afterwards, you do not have to restart. Almost every server already has queues.

    Update 8:01 am: Ravenal already has over 200 people in the queue.

    Update 7:56 am: The servers are up and you can play. A few servers were still missing at first, but about a minute later they were all there.

    Update 7:50 am: The last 10 minutes have started. No servers are live yet.

    Update 7:00 a.m.: Everything is still quiet an hour before the start. An early start, as some players feared, did not happen.

    Update 6:40 am: Good morning and welcome to the live ticker. As of now, the servers are still offline, but both beta events started a little earlier. Recently, the open beta even started two hours early, so we'll keep you up to date here from now on.

    How are you starting the release of New World? Have you prepared yourselves and provided food and drink? Feel free to share your setup with us in the comments and maybe we'll share your picture in the ticker!

    Information about the servers and first guides to New World.

    Which server is there? New World starts with 63 servers, 8 of which are advertised for German players. Depending on the server, the expected queues will be of different lengths.

    If you want to find out more about what New World is and whether the game suits you, you can find a good overview here: New World before release: why should you play it? The short check.

    Where can I find New World tips and guides? Of course here on MeinMMO. We have already prepared a wide repertoire of guides for you:

    That was actually just a small excerpt of what we offer you on MeinMMO about New World. Around the release we will provide you with a number of news, specials and other guides.