New gases: what you have to pay attention to when buying |

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New gases: what you have to pay attention to when buying |
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner


Geschäft für Installateure: Alte Thermen werden sukzessive ersetzt.

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From 26.September only the more expensive condensing doors may be installed.

Vonirmgard Kischko

Haushalte, in denen die Gastherme kaputt geht, müssen auf einen energiesparenden Ersatz umsteigen: From 26.September is only so-called condensing-thermal baths available.The EU, which prescribes this change in the ecodesign guideline, wants to advance the energy saving.

The new thermal baths and boilers need up to a third less gas or oil, says Christian Rubin, Chairman of the Association of Austrian Kessel Suppliers (VÖK).The old heating value boilers will still remain in use for a long time.Because repairs and spare parts are available for many years, the manufacturers assure.


When buying a condensing boiler, consumers have to prepare for a few novelty.First, their efficiency is no longer quantified with the usual efficiency, but with the "room heating energy efficiency", or etas for short.This must have a value of at least 86 percent.Second, the installers have to provide the new heating with an energy label that distinguishes their efficiency - as is known from the refrigerators - with colors from red d (highly inefficient) to green A +++ (very energy -saving).

Renew smoke

And thirdly, the fireplace usually has to be rebuilt.The condensing boilers are more energy -saving because they also use the waste heat.The exhaust gases therefore come into the smoke with a much lower temperature of about 70 degrees than with the previous thermal baths (about 110 degrees).Since the cooler exhaust gases are wetter, a plastic tube must be pulled into the fireplace.The moisture would wipe out the fireplace.

Consumers concern that this conversion could cause high additional costs, Elisabeth Berger, managing director of the VöK, shared.A good condensing thermal bath cost around 5000 euros, the fireplace tube 500 euros, she says.

Exception in the event of joint smoke

The exception of the obligation to conduct condensing are those multi-party houses that have only one fireplace.Since in this case the exhaust gases of all thermal baths go into the same smoke, all residents would have to replace their devices at the same time.To prevent this, the individual apartment owners can continue to install the conventional thermal baths.Incidentally.You also have to pay the exchange.However, the tenants are responsible for maintenance.

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( |Status: 09/18/2015, 17:06