Minimax Mobile: Charging fire extinguisher versus permanent pressure firing fire - what is really better?

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Minimax Mobile: Charging fire extinguisher versus permanent pressure firing fire - what is really better?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

How many fire extinguishers or.You have to keep extinguishing agents in your company, as an operator by legal provisions and the ASR A2.2 specified.On the other hand, you are free to choose whether you want to use charging or permanent pressure fires.But where are the differences and what are you showing and disadvantages?Fire extinguisher must be checked and certified, but there is no evaluation of the construction and the technology used.This is exactly where you differ from each other- which in turn affects acquisition costs, operation, maintenance scope and lifespan.

The charging fire extinguisher

Extinguishing agents and drift gas are housed here in two separate containers: the extinguishing agent in the extinguishing agent container, the driving gas (mostly CO2) in a particularly thick -walled drift gas bottle.The area of the CO2 bottle to be sealed is very small;Ventures are almost impossible.The extinguishing agent container is not under pressure.Only when the device comes to the use of the device is briefly down.As a result, a knife flows through the covering foil of the CO2 gas bottle and opens it;The driving gas flows into the extinguishing agent container and builds the pressure there within a few seconds.The fire extinguisher is now ready for use.The extinguishing process is started by pressing the trigger lever again. The charging fire extinguisher wird folglich erst im Einsatzfall „aufgeladen“, daher auch sein Name.In addition to the charging fire extinguishers with leverage, there are also other trigger variants (Z.B.Bag button).But the principle is comparable.Charging fire extinguishers are available as water, foam and powder fire extinguishers. Sie sind – abhängig vom Löschmittel – für eine oder mehrere derBrandklassen A,B, C oder F sowie für dieBrandklasse D (Metallbrand) erhältlich.

What are the advantages of the charging fire extinguisher?

Markus Dumrath, LeiterBusiness Unit Feuerlöscher bei der Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co.Kg, is familiar with both devices.He divides the advantages of the charging fire extinguisher in four categories:

The extinguishing agent container is not permanently under pressure.A creeping escape of the drift is therefore almost impossible and the constant operational readiness of the fire extinguisher is ensured.

Maintenance -friendly

Da kein permanenter Druck auf denBehälter ausgeübt wird, wird das Material geschont, das Risiko eines vorzeitigen Verschleißes reduziert und der Wartungsaufwand verringert.

Charging fire extinguishers can be easily opened, emptied, checked and filled again for maintenance.

In the case of foam-tube fire extinguishers, the foam concentrate is in a separate tube.Beim Austausch des Löschmittels (meist alle 5 bis 8 Jahre) braucht nur die Tube gewechselt zu werden, nicht das gesamte Löschmittel.

Overall, there is a lower amount of time for maintenance.

In the long term, this means significantly lower maintenance costs.

Improved function

When activating the powder fire extinguisher, the extinguishing powder is loosened up vigorously by sudden pressure in the extinguishing agent container.This creates optimal extinguishing agent and the complete content of the fire extinguisher is available for deletion.Beim Schaumfeuerlöscher wird das Schaum-Wasser-Gemisch kräftig durchgemischt und erhält eine optimale Löschkonsistenz.

Sustainable and environmentally friendly

After a extinguishing rate, the charge firing extinguisher is filled again quite easily and is ready for operation again.Bei regelmäßiger Wartung kann ein Aufladelöscher eine Lebensdauer von 25 Jahren erreichen und muss nicht frühzeitig entsorgt werden.

What are the disadvantages of the charging fire extinguisher?

Higher acquisition costs - but these amortize themselves due to the longer lifespan and lower maintenance costs after a short time

possibly.slightly higher weight

not available as a CO2 extinguisher

Minimax Mobile: Aufladefeuerlöscher versus Dauerdruckfeuerlöscher – was ist wirklich besser?

eine zusätzlicheBetätigung zum Auslösen erforderlich

The permanent pressure firing fire extinguisher

With this type of fire extinguisher, extinguishing agents and drift gas are mixed in the extinguishing agent container. The permanent pressure firing fire extinguisher wird werksseitig mit Druck beaufschlagt (ca.15 bar) and is permanently under pressure;It is therefore also called permanent fires.The area to be sealed is relatively large here. Sollte es aufgrund mangelnder Wartung oder unsachgemäßerBehandlung zu einem schleichenden Druckverlust kommen, ist der Feuerlöscher im Falle einesBrandes schlimmstenfalls nicht einsatzfähig. Ein zusätzliches Manometer am Gerät ermöglicht die Kontrolle des Drucks; diese Anzeige könnte vor allem bei älteren Geräten unreliable.

The permanent pressure firing fire extinguisher ist nach dem Herausziehen der Sicherung sofort einsatzbereit. DurchBetätigen des Druckhebels öffnet sich das Ventil und der Innendruck treibt das Löschmittel bzw.-Pluver through the riser and extinguishing hose over the extinguishing nozzle outwards.Permanent pressure fires are available as water, foam and powder fire extinguishers. Sie sind – abhängig vom Löschmittel – für eine oder mehrere der üblichenBrandklassen A,B, C und F erhältlich.Bei regelmäßiger Inspektion und Wartung haben sie eine Lebensdauer von bis zu 20 Jahren.

"While the technical effort with these fire extinguishers is very low - only the riser tube is located inside - the inspection and maintenance is all the more complex," explains Markus Dumrath.The internal test (prescribed every 4 years for duration of the powder, with water/foam permanent pressure devices even every 2 years), requires pressure relief, re-filling with extinguishing agent, renewed pressure loading with nitrogen and an tightness control for the usual maintenance steps.."This takes a relatively large amount of time and makes maintenance much more expensive than with a loading fire extinguisher," explains Dumrath.The favorable acquisition costs are disproportionately high over time. Das führt häufig dazu, dassBetreiber die Geräte nicht mehr warten lassen, sondern alle vier Jahre entsorgen.So an environmentally stressful alternative.

CO2-Feuerlöscher (Gaslöscher) zählen auch zu Dauerdruckgeräten, sie unterscheiden sich jedoch von herkömmlichen Dauerdruck-Feuerlöschern: DerBetriebsdruck beträgt ca.60 bar (at 20 ° C).The carbon dioxide (CO2) serves here as a bivide and as a extinguishing agent.

What are the advantages of permanent pressure fires?

Because of the simpler construction cheaper to buy

possibly.slightly lower weight

Simple principle when triggering, no activation required

Available as water, foam, powder and CO2 fire extinguishers

What are the disadvantages of the permanent pressure fire extinguisher?

More complex maintenance and therefore high maintenance costs

relativ große abzudichtende Fläche – Gefahr eines schleichenden Druckverlustes bei nicht sorgfältiger Wartung und dadurch Gefahr des Versagens imBrandfall

erhöhtessecuritysrisiko bei Transport und Lagerung der Geräte

The permanent pressure contains the interior coating of water and foam fire extinguishers;This can cause the interior coating to be replaced.

Red filling is uneconomical in most cases.This often makes this fire extinguisher a one -off product and therefore less resource -saving.

lower lifespan


If you look at the acquisition costs, the permanent pressure firing fire extinguisher is far ahead in the race.In the course of the statutory maintenance, however, he quickly lost this place due to the high follow -up costs. Er wird so unrentabel, dassBetreiber häufig einen Austausch statt einer Wartung vorziehen.Thus, the permanent pressure firing fire also loses longevity and sustainability.It is suitable for a short term.When buying, also pay attention to quality "Made in Germany".The construction and production of permanent pressure devices in the Far East or Eastern Europe, which is often designed for cost minimization, can lead to the use of less high -quality materials - the product would then be of less quality. The charging fire extinguisher hingegen trumpft mit seiner sicheren und zuverlässigen Funktionsweise auf: keine permanente Druckbelastung für denBehälter, geringstes Risiko eines schleichenden Druckverlustes und damit stets sichere Einsatzbereitschaft.Due to the lower maintenance costs and the longer lifespan (up to 25 years), the higher acquisition costs are amortized after a short time.

A company press release from Minimax Mobile Services GmbH and Co.Kg