Maintenance of a solar system: You should pay attention to this

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Maintenance of a solar system: You should pay attention to this
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

by Kira Welling on 09/06/2021

When it comes to the maintenance of a solar system, regardless of whether it is solar thermal or photovoltaic, it is not only a question of regular but also proper maintenance. Solar systems still do not necessarily fall under the label particularly inexpensive. And if your solar system can easily last ten more years thanks to good maintenance, the little effort has already more than paid off. If you do not yet have a solar system, you will find a selection of the most important providers in our video.

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Maintenance of solar systems - you should know that

Solar systems are constantly exposed to weather and environmental influences, so that regular maintenance makes sense for this reason alone. Regular maintenance ensures that defects and signs of wear are discovered quickly or do not even occur. In this way, you prevent losses in performance and, quite incidentally, the expected runtime of your solar system also increases. This could well be a few years.

Our solar system purchase adviceThe big solar system comparison. The best providers at a glance. Find out now! Our solar system purchase advice The major solar system comparison. The best providers at a glance. Find out now!


Maintenance of a photovoltaic system

With a photovoltaic system, it is often sufficient if maintenance is carried out every two years. You can take on most of the tasks yourself, and a specialist will also check the photovoltaic system at appropriate intervals.

imago images / Rainer WeisflogDuring maintenance, defective solar modules are quickly replaced. Which solar system provider is the test winner 2021?" Find out now about the EFAHRER test results! "Which solar system provider is the test winner 2021?" Find out about the EFAHRER test results now! System

Solar thermal systems are a little more demanding in terms of maintenance than photovoltaic systems, but they are actually relatively low-maintenance.


Solar systems: All important providers at a glance

Produce your own electricity for your house and electric car. The photovoltaic providers offer different advantages and disadvantages. In our extensive purchase advice you will find out about the biggest solar players in Germany.

Buy solar systems: There are these providers and these pros & They have disadvantages