Maingau Autostrom is becoming more expensive -

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Maingau Autostrom is becoming more expensive -
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

In the past year, Allego, the EnBW and Fastned, have announced three popular providers of mobile charging current for electric cars price increases.In 2022, the also popular offer of the Energy Caterer Maingau Energy is also more expensive.

Due to the increased stock market prices for electricity in recent months."Since we as a provider cannot deliver electricity to foreign charging stations, we are directly affected by these price increases.For this reason, we have to adjust the loading prices of our customers in the same time to map the market developments and the increased price level for charging current."

Maingau Autostrom wird teurer -

The new tariffs for all customers apply from 01.02.2022.Then the normal price for private customers on alternating current charging stations (AC) is 49 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), on faster DC columns (DC) it is 59 cents/kWh.So far, 44 and 54 cents/kWh have been due.The prices for customers, which also supplies Maingau with budgetary current, rise to 39 cents/kWh of AC and 49 cents/kWh of DC charging stations (previously: 30/40 cents per kWh).

From February, the fee for the high -priced operator of quick charging stations along European motorways Ionity is 75 cents/kWh. Hinzu kommt bei allen Ladevorgängen ein „Standzeitzuschlag" nach dem Abschluss des Stromzapfens in Höhe von 10 Cent je Minute.This reaches AC charging stations from 240 minutes, at DC stations from 60 minutes.

The fees for shop with Maingau in other countries also increase almost 4 to 17 percent without exception.There is only a price reduction of 13 to 15 percent in Denmark.Maingau offers its own information currently access to around 60.000 charging points in Germany and over 250.000 charging points in Europe.There is no monthly basic or starting fee for the company's charging current tariffs.