KfW funding for Efficiency House 55 is discontinued

KfW funding for Efficiency House 55 is discontinued
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

In the future, federal funding will focus more on the energetic renovation of old buildings and even more efficient new buildings.When renovating old buildings, funding for conversion according to Efficiency House Standard 55 is therefore still possible.

The possibilities now have a new building to make their applications before the deadline has expired and what alternative funding opportunities there are, the NRW consumer center has compiled:

KfW-Förderung für Effizienzhaus 55 wird eingestellt

Construction of an efficiency house 55: act quickly.The application must be made before the start of the project at KfW and at the latest by 31.January 2022.Basically, the KfW application must be submitted before the delivery/performance contracts.This can only be deviated from this if there is a documented consultation with the bank.Builders and buyers who prefer this solution should now be quick to make all application documents and the conclusion of the plans.

Alternative funding opportunities for new construction: The discontinuation of the funding for Efficiency House 55 does not mean that new buildings from 2022 will no longer receive any grants at all.The buildings will have to achieve at least the higher standard efficiency house 40 for federal funding in the future.As with the Efficiency House 55, there is also the Renewable Energy Sourthies (EE-Class) and sustainability class (NH class).Builders who meet the corresponding requirements can be up to 25 percent repayment subsidy or an investment grant of up to 37.Received 500 euros.

Source: Consumer Center NRW / Delia Roscher