Creeping carbon monoxide poisoning by gas boilers

Creeping carbon monoxide poisoning by gas boilers
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner


Natascha Koch | 23.04.2021

Headache, concentration problems, nausea and strong fatigue can be indications of creeping poisoning with carbon monoxide (CO).A frequent reason for this are defective or non -maintained gases.This is indicated by the initiative for the prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Recently, a tenant has sued her landlord for the first time because of an ongoing carbon monoxide poisoning: The woman from Lüneburg appeared for several months, neurological symptoms.However, her treating doctors had not assumed carbon monoxide poisoning, so that there was no blood test.Only a heating engineer discovered the fatal danger that the defective thermal bath in the tenant's bathroom.

Carbon monoxide poisoning often remain undetected

“Carbon monoxide is an insidious breathing poison that is invisible, odorless, tasteless and strongly hazardous to health.If a person breaks too much of it, his body is no longer sufficiently supplied with oxygen.However, the signs of co-poisoning are often not recognized correctly, since they are usually not clearly assigned, "explains Wißuwa from the Federal Association of Medical Head of Rescue Service Germany.Therefore, months can pass before chronic poisoning is noticeable, because the patient is usually not subject to the gas continuously.The resulting fluctuating co-concentrations in the blood make diagnostics more difficult.

CO war detectors protect against poisoning

Poisoning by CO, which is hazardous to health, are more common than suspected.They are the type of poisoning with most deaths in Germany according to drugs and drugs.A frequent reason are badly or not maintained gases.“In order to prevent CO in living rooms, we recommend regular maintenance of gas boilers, boilers and ventilation systems through a specialist company.In addition, the recurring measurement and exhaust gas check by the chimney sweep is legally required, "says Alexis Gula, spokesman for the central guild association of the chimney sweep trade (Ziv).

Schleichende Kohlenmonoxid-Vergiftung durch Gasthermen

Co-war detectors in rooms with fuel-powered devices and in common and bedrooms can be installed as additional protection.With the help of a chemical sensor, these already small amounts of the breathing poison recognize in the ambient air and give the alarm in good time before health -damaging concentrations are reached.

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