Infrared heating: Costs for heating with infrared

Infrared heating: Costs for heating with infrared
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
Um die Folgen der explodierenden Energiekosten abzufedern, sind viele Mieter und Eigenheimbesitzer auf der Suche nach Heizalternativen. Infrarotheizungen sind günstig in der Anschaffung – aber lohnt sich der Kauf?

The energy costs are increasing: at the end of 2021, the comparison portal Check24 reported that some supply companies would increase their prices by more than 100 percent.And there is still no end to the price spiral.So what to do if you want to avoid the juicy additional payment in the future?

One option would be to warm the rooms with an alternative heating method.Instead of freezing in cold rooms or even thinking about the exchange of the heating system, cheap heating alternatives are a way.

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Infrared heaters are available in the hardware store or online for less than 100 euros.It also speaks for them that the devices do not lead to maintenance costs and have a very long lifespan.In addition, the installation is child's play: hanging on the wall, plugs in, done.Some devices can also be installed under the ceiling.And: there is no risk of fire.Because unlike radiators, infrared heaters send radiation that warm the objects or the skin themselves.The room air that comes into contact with the heated objects also warms up.Particularly great advantage: everything is very quick, so you don't have to wait long for a cozy warmth.

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Room size and infrared heating

Since the devices with different watt numbers are offered, it must first be calculated how large the room is to be heated.As a rule of thumb, between 60 and 100 watts are required per square meter of space.If a 15-square-meter bathroom is to be heated, at least one device with 900 watts is needed, but it would be better 1500 watts.But several radiators with lower power would also be conceivable.

But as cheap as the devices are in the purchase: they have some costly disadvantage.So they devour electricity - and it is expensive."If, for example, one device heats three hours a day with 1000 watts, it costs around 150 euros within half a year," calculates the "Stiftung Warentest".The portal "Energieheld" calculates that the heating of a 25 square meter room is due to 1440 hours on 180 days between 650 and 1100 euros in electricity costs.

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Disadvantages of infrared heating

These price differences indicate the second disadvantage of infrared heating: without insulation it quickly becomes very expensive.Part of the warmth fizzles out especially for old buildings.In order to ensure cozy warmth, a lot of electricity has to be used up."In an uninsulated old building, you can calculate as you want: the infrared heating will never be an adequate replacement for central heating with oil, gas or pellets," judgment also "Energieheld".For electricity, around 32.62 cents were paid for electricity in the first half of 2021, according to the Federal Statistical Office.Gas costs an average of 6.41 cents per kilowatt hour during this period - less than a fifth of the electricity price.Even the higher efficiency of the infrared iron bodies does not help compared to conventional heating.

Criticism of infrared criticism

The infrared industry does not want to accept this.They refer that normal heating should not be compared to radiation heat.In addition, the calculations are not correct.Rather, a maximum of 680 euros for the 25 square meter space would be incurred, Henning Schröder, Managing Director of "Imowell", assures a company that, among other things, sells electrically operated heaters.And adds to the fact that this invoice is valid for particularly poorly isolated old buildings.

According to the goods testers, there is an exception: Anyone who creates their electricity with their own photovoltaic system can use "unnecessary" electricity that is not required as a budgetary current.

Schröder from "Imowell" sees the infrared heating at low and passive houses.Good insulation is important, but also the maintenance -free heating method, says Schröder.Other heating types cannot offer that.The savings then have to be considered on the entire lifespan of a heating system, Schröder continues."In this way, the infrared heating is not only much cheaper to buy, but also does not require any maintenance after installation and therefore does not generate any follow -up costs in the area - in contrast to heating systems with boiler, where the chimney sweep has to come, the installer has to come, the installer has to come every year,To wait for the heating.There are a few thousand euros in conventional heating systems over the years, "said Schröder.

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