Heating costs novella 2021: this changes for landlords, owners and tenant

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  • Heating costs novella 2021: this changes for landlords, owners and tenant
Heating costs novella 2021: this changes for landlords, owners and tenant
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

As a tenant, I see this law as an excuse, because it is typical of the way in which modern politics and citizens are handled and the penetrating attempts to influence the citizens through the back door.

This is not about saving heating costs, but about achieving a politically correct target for non-amortable costs, namely the reduction of CO2 emissions and the increase in the good conscience of politicians.

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Instead of forcing the energy producers to produce their products clinically neutral, they start with the end consumer, and I, as a tenant, receive monthly complaints with a paid letter, the aim of which is not the information, but influence and patronage with regard to my heating habits in order to create a bad conscience. And I'll pay for this brainwashing. Probably my landlord will then also be forced by law to deliver these communications by means of politically correct load bike. Next step: the state remote control of my heating valves. = = references = = Baerbock-Thunberg-Verordnung).

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