Friday, October 13th is a nationwide smoke alarm day

Friday, October 13th is a nationwide smoke alarm day
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

12.10.2017 - 09:15

Smoke alarms save life

Berlin (ots)

Friday the 13th.October is again smoke alarm day. Anlässlich des bundesweiten Aktionstages rufen die Initiative "Smoke alarms save life" und die Feuerwehren Haus- und Wohnungseigentümer dazu auf, die gesetzliche Rauchmelderpflicht umzusetzen, selbst wenn die Übergangsfrist noch nicht abgelaufen ist.In addition to the correct installation, the regular maintenance of the smoke detectors is also required.Owners are therefore obliged to check the devices in accordance with the manufacturer, but at least once a year for their functionality and to ensure their operational readiness.The smoke alarm requirement applies to self -used residential property as well as to rented properties.

Nur funktionierende Smoke alarms save life

“Smoke detectors have proven themselves.Because the emergency services are alerted earlier by smoke detectors and are on site faster, there are fewer and fewer branded fats and the building damage is lower, "explains Hartmut Ziebs, President of the German FireBrigade Association.It is all the more important to keep the devices functional, according to Ziebs.In an emergency, the smoke detector can only work perfectly if the smoke inputs are kept free of dust, fluff and other dirt and the battery is replaced at low voltage according to the manufacturer's information.After all, it is about life and death: a fire can be fatal after two minutes with a fire.So every second counts that the smoke detector alerts at an early stage.

"Viele Eigentümer wissen nicht, dass sie nicht nur für die Installation der Rauchmelder verantwortlich sind, sondern auch für deren regelmäßige Wartung", ergänzt Christian Rudolph, Vorsitzender von "Smoke alarms save life" und erklärt: "Jeder Eigentümer ist verpflichtet, die einwandfreie Funktion der Rauchmelder durch regelmäßige Wartung sicherzustellen.This also applies to the tenants under tenancy law."

Friday the 13th. Oktober ist bundesweiter Rauchmeldertag

According to surveys of the Federal Statistical Office.95 percent of those affected suffocate to poisonous flue gases."Functional smoke detectors could have saved their lives," comments Rudolph.

Tips for maintenance and alarm seams

Wertvolle Tipps zur richtigen Pflege sowieBeispiele für Alarm- undBatteriewarntöne von Rauchmeldern sind auf der Website der Initiative "Smoke alarms save life" abrufbar.Based on the example tones, consumers learn alarm tones from other warning signals such as distinguish the beep of a freezer."If you listen to the tones, you can assess more easily in the future whether only the smoke alarm battery is weak and has to be replaced or whether it is a real alarm," says Rudolph.

Hinweise zur Rauchmelderpflege und verschiedeneBeispieltöne sind verfügbar unter: www.Smoke alarm and maintenance

The nationwide smoke alarm has been around since 2006.His motto is: "Friday of 13.Could be your lucky day ".In the coming year, the smoke alarm day will take place on 13.April and 13.July instead.

Press contact:

ForumBrandrauchprävention e.V."Smoke alarms save life"Frau Claudia GroetschelTel.: 030/44 02 01 30E-Mail: redaktion@Smoke alarm

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