Fortnite: Server Down - What is in the update 5.30pm today?

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  • Fortnite: Server Down - What is in the update 5.30pm today?
Fortnite: Server Down - What is in the update 5.30pm today?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Today, on Tuesday, the 3.August, the Fortnite servers on all platforms (PC/Mac, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Android) Down.In this time the new update 17.30 played up.What is in the new patch?

What happens in Fortnite today?The update 17.30 was announced by Fortnite Status on Twitter and is to be played today (via patch is obviously about UFOs and their technology that you can hold in your hands.

That fits a leak that Dataminer presented days ago.What kind of device will this be?

Fortnite servers are shut down-when and how long?

Downtime start in the morning: The downtime for the update started at around 7:30 a.m..At around 6:30 a.m. you were able to join a new round for the last time, after which the servers were shut down and Fortnite went down.

How long do the maintenance work last?Based on the experiences of the past few weeks and months, the work should be completed around the morning.You expect a downtime of about 3 hours.

Technical problems or other delays could ensure that the maintenance work is extended.If this is the case, you will find out about us here on meinmmo.

When do the patch notes come?From experience of the last updates in Fortnite's new chapter, there should be no or only superficial patch notes for the Battle Royale mode.

Fortnite: Server down – Was steckt heute im Update 17.30?

However, if large, important changes are installed, we collect them for you and create a form of German patch notes.We will then publish these patch notes here on meinmmo for you.

What new content does the update 17 bring.30?

This is what Epic says: Before the server down, the Fortnite team tweeted about “A UFO in your hands” (via is about alien equipment that can interact with walls, cars, stones and even bushes.

What kind of item is that?One speculates that Epic speaks of the grave diatron with this announcement.Dataminer Hypex already showed the part on 22.July on his Twitter channel:

In the description of the grave titron you read that you can “grab things and throw it against other things”.In addition, you can use the edging button to turn your gripped objects.

We only see whether this is really this object when the servers are active again.

But the optics and the supernatural forces always fit to description “A UFO in your hands”.

More about Fortnite

What content does you hope for in addition to the grave title in the new update 17.30 in Fortnite?Write us your hopes and wishes for the latest patch here on meinmmo in the comments and exchange ideas with other players from the community.

Can't the new UFO technology convince you?We have the 15 best multiplayer shooters for you here in 2021.