Fortnite: Patch Notes in German for Patch 18.30 - All new content from the update

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  • Fortnite: Patch Notes in German for Patch 18.30 - All new content from the update
Fortnite: Patch Notes in German for Patch 18.30 - All new content from the update
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

In Fortnite today, on 26.October, the servers on all platforms (PC/Mac, PS5, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Switch, Android) Down.The downtime is used to the new update 18.30 rolling out.All changes will be taken here on MeinMMO promptly.

What happens in Fortnite today?Fortnitemares goes into the third round and you may be able to count on new content of the Halloween event with you.Therefore, get ready for a downtime so that Epic Games has the opportunity to play the update to your server.

So that you do not miss this, we update this article for you from MeinMMO.So you are always up to date.

Update 11.46 Uhr: Die Server reagieren wieder und die Wartung ist vorüber. Ihr könnt das Update nun herunterladen. Auf der PS5 erwarten euch ganze 3,012 GB zum Download.

Fortnite servers go to downtime-when and how long?

Downtime in the morning: The servers are shut down at 10 a.m. to update 18.30 rolling out.The matchmaking is already deactivated 30 minutes beforehand, so you can no longer play from 9:30 a.m..

When can you play again?The servers are then offline for a while and playing is no longer possible.The downtime is expected to be between 30 minutes and 2 hours.This has shown the updates of the past few weeks.

Of course, technical problems and delays can always occur in such work.If there are complications, we will tell you about it.

When do the patch notes come?As usual, Epic Games will probably not publish any patch notes regarding the update.Therefore, the community is forced to go on the scavenger hunt to track down changes.

However, if important changes come, we also complement this article for you.

What new content update 18.30 and the Fortnitemares 2021?

What's new for Battle Royale mode?We cannot be quite sure about the changes, but Leaks and Dataminer have often turned out to be a safe source in the past.The following changes may occur:

There is more about Fortnite here:

It remains unclear whether Epic will open a few new cards last week.Staying to be excited..

This week the cube queen appears

The dice queen entered with update 18.21 Fortnite's map.Now it hovers over a newly built cubes in the middle of the zero point crater.Your timer runs in the afternoon of 28.October 2021.Then she will be playable with all its challenges and items.

With their styles will also be playable, baking and much more, so prepare for it.

New stamp cards

You could also expect new stamp cards to further level up your Battle Pass.More stamp cards appear every week that let much more XP jump thanks to the revision.

New Halloween skins

The last collection of Halloween-Skins this year awaits you.This is how you look:

These are the superhero skins that can be adapted.Now they became zombies.

Two new weapons

Two new weapons will expect you.These weapons are an ice grid and a combat pistol.

The special thing about this, this pistol fires half -automatically.It is unclear whether you will make it into the game or will be published at a later date.

The secret bunker could be opened

Sloane had already set off with her IO group to get into the bunker.Now the secret of the secret bunker could finally be revealed, because pictures have appeared in this regard.

Apparently Io rebuilt this bunker and claimed it for itself.It is not known whether this will be a new POI.