Fortnite offline: Update 16.40 comes today-server downtime, first patch information

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Fortnite offline: Update 16.40 comes today-server downtime, first patch information
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
Quelle: Epic Games

Fortnite goes offline: Epic Games announces planned maintenance work for the Battle Royale shooter-the update 16.40 is imminent.In a recent Reddit Thread, the developers call the specific time for the downtime: Fortnite is temporarily offline from 10 a.m..A first preview of the Patch Notes is also already available.A new weapon and a new Wild Week are waiting for you, among other things.In addition, Beast Boy will soon be celebrating his debut in the BR shooter.

Fortnite Down: Epic Games announces a downtime for the Battle Royale shooter.The update 16 appears today.40, which plays new content and additional bug fixes as well as optimizations.In a recent Reddit Thread, the developers call a specific time: the maintenance work begins at 10 a.m..Logins and game joining are then no longer possible.The matchmaking system is switched off as usual half an hour earlier, so that you can join the last match for the time being around 9:30 a.m..How long Fortnite remains offline does not show from the information.

Fortnite offline: Update 16.40 kommt heute - Server-Downtime, erste Patch-Infos

Usually the Fortnite Downimes (buy € 16.99) are only short-lived: around noon, the Battle Royale shooter should be played again as usual.In the course of the server downtime, the update 16 is.40 ready as a download.The specific patch notes have not yet been available.In the Reddit Thread mentioned, however, Epic Games gives a first look at the expected changes and innovations.For example, the new weapon "Marksman Six Shooter", which comes into play as an exotic, has been announced.In addition, starts on 13.May a new Wild Week.In the course of the update, the exotic shotgun The Dub is also removed from the game.

For the 13.May is also scheduled for Beast Boy for Fortnite's debut.Players can use Beast Boys built-in "like in the Affepirkus" emote to turn into the form of gorilla and thus get dangerously close to the wild animals of the island.There is also a casual version of the outfit called "Garfield Logan".The Beast Boy-Outfit, the couch Titan-Rücken accessory and Beast Boys Schläger-Spitzhacke will be available individually or as part of the Beast Boy Bundles in the item shop.

"Everyone who wants to form a team with Beast Boy and Raven used to have the chance in the Teen Titans Cup.The special tournament takes place on 12.May and all participants have the chance of unlocking the Beast Boy outfit and the couch Titan-Rückentrücke accessory, "announces Epic Games.Anyone who scores at least eight points receives the BBRAE charging screen;There is a new spray motif for all participants.As soon as we get more information from the Fortnite Update 16.40 reach, you can find out as usual on our website.

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