Fortnite offline: Server downtime for Update 17.50 Today-Time & Patch outlook

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Fortnite offline: Server downtime for Update 17.50 Today-Time & Patch outlook
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
Quelle: Epic Games

Fortnite Down: The servers of the Battle Royale shooter are temporarily offline today.Epic Games has announced maintenance work to update 17.50 to play.A specific time is already available: Fortnite is offline from 10 a.m., the matchmaking system is switched off half an hour earlier.The specific patch notes are not yet known.However, there are initial indications of the changes and innovations with the Fortnite Update 17.50 queue.

Fortnite goes offline: Today there is a server downtime at the Battle Royale shooter.In a current Reddit thread, Epic Games confirms that the update 17.50 is played - and finally to download.A specific time is already available: Fortnite goes down at 10 a.m..Logins and game joining are then no longer possible.As usual, the developers switch off the matchmaking system half an hour earlier.At around 9:30 a.m. there is the last option to click into a game before the downtime.

Fortnite offline: Server-Downtime für Update 17.50 heute - Uhrzeit & Patch-Ausblick

How long Fortnite Down (buy now € 16.99) does not show from the information.As a rule, the server downtimes are short-lived, so Fortnite should return to noon and be played as usual again.As part of the maintenance work, you pull the Fortnite Patch 17.50 on your hard drive - and thus get the new content and bug fixes that are due with the update.The specific patch notes have not yet been.However, there are initial indications of the changes and innovations that are updating.For example, there were Leaks for DCS Peacemaker Suicide Squad and Marvels Shang-Chi: possible that the characters will receive new skins with the update.

In addition, changes in the Coral Castle-Poi could be pending, as Charlie Intel suspects.In addition, Epic Games could with the Fortnite Update 17.50 first files that give a first indication of the live event that ends the Season 7 and heralds season 8 heralds.It is also likely that one or the other bug fix is due.As soon as we get more information, you will find out as usual on our website as usual.

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