Fortnite Down: Server offline for maintenance - what is in the update 10.10?

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Fortnite Down: Server offline for maintenance - what is in the update 10.10?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

As in every week, on 14.08.The Fortnite servers down on all platforms (PC/Mac, Xbox One, PS4, Switch, iOS, Android), a new patch with version 10.10 comes.How long does the downtime take and what does the update bring?

What happens in Fortnite today?The Season 10 is already a few days old, but it is not discussed about the new map changes, but the overpowering mech determines the headlines these days.Will that change with today's patch?

Update: The patch notes for update 10.10 are there.The Infinity sword comes back, zombies and retail Row are back.

Even if it is not yet known that Epic will screw on the mech, the chances are great.The Fortnite makers usually react to player feedback at short notice.What we know: There will be a maintenance and you will have to take a forced break.You can find out all relevant information now.

Fortnite servers go down-when and how long?

At that time you will be thrown out: at 9:30 a.m. German time you will have the last time you have the opportunity to start a Battle Royale round, after that time this is no longer possible.

Fortnite down: Server offline zur Wartung – was steckt im Update 10.10?

At 10 a.m. German time, the servers will finally be completely down.

When is the maintenance over?Experience shows that EPIC needs little time for the weekly maintenance work.At the latest around lunchtime you should be able to get in again.

You can pass the waiting time with reading the patch notes, which we integrate here as usual shortly after the start of the maintenance.Here you can also find out whether there is unforeseen delays.

That could be the new content in Update 10.10 Be

What does the patch bring for Battle Royale mode?The available information is rare for the Battle Royale mode.The first “nerf” of the Mechs does not go far enough for the players.Could Epic already make the first adjustments here or completely remove the gigantic Mechs?

In addition, Zombies will probably celebrate their comeback as well as the old Retail Row, as the following screenshot reveals:

This brings the update for the Rett-Die-World mode: PVE players should also get their money's worth.According to Roadmap, the PVE parliamentary group can look forward to the following content:

Are you looking forward to the new update?Or do you just want the mech from the neck?

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