Fortnite Down: Server offline for maintenance - this is in update 10.30

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  • Fortnite Down: Server offline for maintenance - this is in update 10.30
Fortnite Down: Server offline for maintenance - this is in update 10.30
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

As in every week, the 11 will be released today, on Wednesday.09.A new Fortnite update.For this purpose, the servers will be shut down on all platforms (PC/Mac, Xbox One, PS4, Switch, iOS, Android), there will be maintenance work.But how long?And what does the patch bring?Meinmmo has the answers!

The marmot greets weekly: In addition to newly discovered exploits and the very surprising removal of some weapons, the old cube-known Kevin is back in Fortnite: Battle Royale.

The update will presumably have an impact on the cube.However, before the players can go on a exploration tour, the servers are shut down as in almost every week.A new update is played up, version 10.30.

Update 11:30 p.m.: The new update 10.30 is there in Fortnite and brings Moisty Palms and Greasy Grove.You turn into toilets and it rains tacos from the sky

Fortnite servers go down-when and how long?

When do the maintenance work start?At 9:30 a.m. German time you can enter a new lobby for the last time, after that time it will no longer be possible.Finally, around 10 a.m. the servers will no longer be available and you will have to take a break.

Fortnite down: Server offline zur Wartung – das steckt im Update 10.30

This is how long the server downtime lasts: starting from the experience of the past few weeks and months, the work around lunchtime should be complete.You can read technical problems or other delays here.

If you want to pass the time during maintenance, you can take a look at the patch notes that we provide shortly after maintenance start.

This is in the new Fortnite update 10.30

What's new in Battle Royale mode?The information situation is extremely thin this week, not even a new item or a new weapon has been announced so far.However, the wording of the maintenance announcement on the part of EPIC on Twitter makes you take notice.Translated accordingly, this “break from your shell” says.The meaning of these words is discussed in the forums.

The most popular theory says that the cube will open.Dataminer had found different layers in the cube itself, so the suspicion is obvious.Obviously, the players will soon find out what is inside the cube.

In addition, there will most likely be back on the map, this time two important places should be affected.The players also continue to wait for the cooperation with the horror film ES 2.

What content does it come for the Rett-Die-World mode?Unfortunately there is still no new roadmap with new content for Fortnite's PVE mode.Based on the announcement on Reddit, however, it can be assumed that there will be new content for “hit the road”.However, the patch notes will only reveal more details.

What do you think will happen with the cube today?

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