For whom a solar system is worthwhile - Marktcheck - SWR television

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For whom a solar system is worthwhile - Marktcheck - SWR television
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

How do you find whether a solar system is worthwhile?

Consumers can easily determine whether their own solar system is lucrative.There are many return computers on the Internet, for example at Stiftung Warentest.Anyone who generates electricity with a solar system and feed it into the network will receive a remuneration according to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).Because the EEG remuneration is laid down by the state for 20 years, this investment can be calculated better than many others.

For this, however, you have to know some details.How high would the acquisition costs for the PV system be, how much does the power storage, how much of the annual solar power is to be consumed, with which electricity yield of the solar modules is expected.Interested parties should have dealt well with the subject of solar power in advance.Then the determined values can be entered on the homepage.Here the return of a photovoltaic system is calculated over a period of 20 years - of course without guarantee.

The rough rule of thumb applies: the more of the generated solar power is to be used, the more the purchase of a photovoltaic system is worthwhile.

Read here how to win solar energy on the balcony with the self -made photovoltaic system.

Is my house suitable for installing a photovoltaic system?

Experts from the consumer advice center can answer this question.Thanks to public funding, they offer the suitability check for only 30 euros.

In Baden-Württemberg, homeowners can also use the extended solar cadastral to check whether solar modules are worthwhile on their own roof, which revenue they could achieve with a solar system and when the photovoltaic system would have been amortized.

Statistically speaking, most houses are suitable for installing solar modules.Optimal for a photovoltaic system is a roof with a inclination angle of 30 to 35 percent, which is aligned to the south and hardly shaded.However, even suitable solar systems can also be found for deviations from this rule - if the angle of inclination of the roof is less than 25 or over 60 percent, the profit from the generated solar energy can be around 10 percent lower.The installation of solar modules can also be worthwhile on East and west roofs;It must be checked in individual cases whether sufficient solar power can still be generated there.

Should you prefer to use the solar power yourself or feed it into the system?

It is more worth using solar power itself than feeding the electricity into the network.The costs for solar systems have dropped greatly in recent years.If you calculate all the acquisition costs of the photovoltaic system, a self -generated kilowatt hour of solar power costs up to 14 cents on average.At the moment, the average price in Germany for one kilowatt hour of electricity from the electricity supplier is more than 30 cents.Anyone who consumes electricity from the photovoltaic system on the roof usually saves more than half because there are no taxes and network charges due to this.

For the non -required solar power that is fed into the network, the owners receive money.However, this feed -in tariff continues to drop and is currently around 7 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity.For sale the solar power is therefore less worthwhile than self -consumption.

Where are there funding and grants?

On the one hand, there is the EEG feed-in tariff that has already been mentioned.Their height depends on the size of the photovoltaic system and the month of commissioning.The network operator is obliged to remove and remove the excess generated current.To do this, the solar system only has to be registered in the so -called market master data register.This is an overall register for the German electricity and gas market.The price for the kilowatt hour of electricity is determined in the month of commissioning and then paid in the following 20 years.Since the remuneration rate continuously drops, it is worth not waiting for it to be waiting for a solar system, insofar as you are thinking about it anyway.

But there are also a number of funding opportunities for the purchase of the photovoltaic system.The state support bank KfW offers low -interest loans and sometimes even grants.The prerequisite for promoting the photovoltaic system is that part of the electricity generated is fed into the network.

In addition, many municipalities and federal states have launched funding programs.Rhineland-Palatinate, for example, promotes the purchase of a solar system together with a battery memory so that the electricity can be better used over the day.The state government says the program is so well assumed that the processing time for applications is currently a few months.Baden-Württemberg has set up a similar program.Due to the high demand, however, the funding pot is empty, so new funding applications could not be made at the moment.