Fire protection: More than just smoke detectors - Smart Home - SmarthousePro

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Fire protection: More than just smoke detectors - Smart Home - SmarthousePro
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

A fire outbreak can have devastating consequences. That is why smoke alarms have been mandatory nationwide since 2016. But not all smoke detectors are the same. There are big differences, especially in the smart home environment, which is why numerous criteria should be considered when purchasing.

A charred toast here, a forgotten iron there – and before you know it, a deafening beep sounds, leaving no doubt as to the smoke that is being produced. Thank God, one might think. Because anyone who has ever had such a mishap in their own four walls knows how quickly a fire can develop - not to mention that a cable fire can suddenly break out through no fault of their own. It's a good thing that the appropriate equipment is available for this case: the smoke detector or smoke alarm device (see also the explanation of terms).

Legal frameworkIn the meantime, smoke detectors are mandatory in all federal states in Germany for new buildings and conversions. But there are also regional differences - especially with regard to existing buildings, installation and maintenance: In Berlin and Brandenburg, for example, the transition period for existing buildings runs until the end of the year, until December 31, 2020. The smoke detector obligation in Saxony, on the other hand, stipulates that smoke detectors only have to be installed in new buildings and conversions, not for existing buildings.

In all federal states, according to the state building regulations, the landlord or owner is responsible for the professional installation of the smoke detector. Bedrooms, children's rooms and corridors, which are considered escape routes, should therefore be equipped with smoke detectors. In Berlin and Brandenburg, smoke detectors are even mandatory in the living room. In Baden-Württemberg, smoke detectors are also to be installed in all rooms in which people are intended to sleep. As far as maintenance is concerned, in nine out of sixteen federal states the tenant is responsible for the care and testing of the smoke detectors. In the other federal states, the owner is generally responsible for maintenance. In principle, however, in all federal states the landlord is still obliged to take care of the professional maintenance of the smoke detectors. He is legally obliged to ensure that the smoke detectors can be checked by the tenant and that this obligation is also implemented.

Fire protection: More than just smoke detectors - Smart Home – SmarthousePro

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Lifesaver, provenIt is no coincidence that smoke alarm devices are now mandatory nationwide. In this way, technology should contribute to saving lives in every household. This is also confirmed by the study "Effectiveness of the obligation to use smoke alarms" (see graphic above) by the South Baden fire protection specialist Hekatron, which for the first time comprehensively addresses the connection between the risk of death and the obligation to use smoke alarms in Germany. In the investigations, the analysts relied on a broad, publicly accessible database - such as the official cause of death statistics. According to the study, 501 people have been saved by the smoke alarm requirement since 2003. Since then, an average of 68 fewer people have died as a result of a domestic fire. Or to put it another way: Compared to the average of 380 deaths per year, the annual number of deaths fell by 20 percent with the introduction of smoke alarm devices.

However, the number of people saved could be far higher. However, for this to happen, the level of equipment in apartments with smoke detectors would have to be increased. According to estimates by Sebastian Festag and his study co-author Marion Meinert, this is currently only an estimated 60 percent – ​​despite being mandatory in all federal states. If, on the other hand, all apartments were to have working smoke detectors, as required by law, then, according to the authors' projections, "realistically speaking, up to 240 fewer people would die every year". According to Festag, anyone who ignores the obligation to install smoke detectors is “clearly endangering human life”. Since the obligation to use smoke alarms is not uniformly regulated in the 16 federal states, the risk expert recommends finding out about the regulations for each state. "Basically, however, it is well advised to secure all bedrooms - including children's and guest rooms - as well as corridors, which are considered escape routes, with at least one smoke detector each. Because fire victims do not usually die from the flames, but within a few minutes from fire smoke and fire gases.” The responsibility for implementing the legal requirements always lies with the owner or landlord.

Explanation of terms: smoke detector or smoke alarm device
When smoke detectors are mentioned in everyday life, they are basically often meant smoke alarm device (RWM). They warn residents of dangerous smoke development in their home with an integrated, acoustic alarm function: A built-in loudspeaker emits a signal tone when there is smoke. Smoke alarms are used in private apartments and residential buildings and are required by law in all federal states. Smoke detectors, on the other hand, are mainly used in public buildings, for example in schools, universities, airports, train stations, hospitals or factory buildings. Since specific fire protection and emergency measures apply here, smoke detectors are part of a more complex fire alarm system. In this case, not every single device is equipped with its own alarm function. Instead, when smoke forms, a signal is sent from the smoke detectors to an internal fire alarm control panel, which then triggers an alarm and calls the fire brigade. Despite the technical difference and although most fires occur in private households, smoke detectors have become established as a term in everyday life. For this reason it is also often used as a synonym for smoke alarm devices.

  1. More than just smoke detectors
  2. Fire protection in the context of Smart Home
  3. Guide to product standards

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