Fire extinguisher: So wait and check correctly

Fire extinguisher: So wait and check correctly
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Since fire extinguishers are intended for immediate use and have to work reliably in an emergency, maintenance and testing is extremely important.But this is not easy.

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In an emergency you can save lives: fire extinguishers.However, only if they work perfectly.To ensure this, they must be checked and waited regularly.What should consumers pay attention to?

Wait fire extinguishers: not prescribed, but absolutely necessary

For private individuals, a regulation that contains general testing persons is not available.In the commercial and public sector, however, there is an obligation to test.Nevertheless, private individuals should also check their fire extinguisher regularly so that they are available, replenished and ready for operation in an emergency.

The corresponding standardization of the extinguisher serves as a clue to the testist to be observed.With portable fire extinguishers, this provides for a review by expert every two years.From this it follows that after this period there is no liability for the usefulness of the fire extinguishers.

Depending on the environmental conditions of the fire briefs, shorter test intervals can also be useful.So always be attentive and exactly as far as the next exam date affects your fire extinguisher.Based on the TÜV badge, you can see when a test date is due.

In these cases you should be waiting

If your new fire truck, which has not yet been serviced, shows a date for "final acceptance", "work control" or a similar term that was two years ago, you should initiate a test date.If the device has already been checked, there is a test sticker on the fire brings that displays the test date.If you count on this date for two years, you will also receive the upcoming date for renewed maintenance.

Expert people who can contact you for an examination are employees or representatives of fire extinguishing manufacturers or independent test services.If the expert examines her fire extinguisher, he takes over the guarantee for proper control, maintenance and repair of the device in terms of safety and fire protection.

Visual inspection as a check for immediate maintenance

Use your fire extinguisher regularly to a precise visual inspection.If you find damaged parts, hoses, rust stains, strong dirt or the like, you should notify an expert.The same applies to damaged seals or missing security pins.Contact customer service or an independent test service and have your fire extinguisher wait, check and fill up if necessary.

Be careful with older fire extinguishers

The containers of the fire brings are under pressure.For this reason, fire extinguishers are subject to the pressure container regulation.In addition to the described two-year gymnastics, permanent pressure extinguisher must be checked every ten years after paragraph 32 of the pressure container regulation by experts such as the TÜV.The reason is the great destructive power that a bursting container can develop.

If there are rainy people nearby, serious injuries can occur.Therefore, special caution is required in older models.

Dispose of fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers contain pollutants.You must therefore not be disposed of by household waste.So bring old fire extinguishers to the recycling center.Alternatively, some manufacturers also offer that they dispose of the defective or old fire extinguisher for them.

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