Energy: high subsidies from the state: these are the alternatives to oil heating

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  • Energy: high subsidies from the state: these are the alternatives to oil heating
Energy: high subsidies from the state: these are the alternatives to oil heating
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The new building energy law requires the expansion of old constant temperature oil boilers. Although this ban on further operation concerns only individual cases, and the fact that in many cases new oil heating systems are no longer permitted from 2026 onwards, it can be seen that the era of oil heating is coming to an end. The Federal Government wants to achieve a switch to renewable energies and more climate protection. In addition to the prohibitions, it also offers generous funding for switching to heating systems with renewable energies.

Bundesförderung offers grants of 45 percent for heating exchan

As part of the federal funding for efficient buildings, there are grants of up to 45 percent of the costs. If the heating exchange takes place as part of the implementation of an individual refurbishment schedule with further coordinated refurbishment steps, the funding increases by an additional five percent. So it & APOs; s worth switching.

Als Ersatz für die Ölheizung kommen dabei mehrere Lösungen infrage. Die Gasheizung, an die der eine oder andere vielleicht denken mag, ist aus Sicht des Klimaschutzes keine Alternative. Auch sie setzt beim Betrieb CO2 frei. Zudem entweicht auch immer etwas Erdgas auf dem Weg von der Förderung bis zum Kunden in die Atmosphäre und verstärkt so den Klimawandel.

Wood pellet heating as an alternative to oil heating

Ein echter Ersatz für die Ölheizung ist dafür die Holzpelletsheizung. Deren Einbau ist bei fast allen Gebäuden möglich, erfordert aber einen Lagerraum für den Brennstoff. Dieser ist beim Ersatz einer Ölheizung im Keller meist vorhanden. Das Pelletslager – in Form eines Sacksilos oder eines ortsfesten Lagers – benötigt nicht mehr Platz als der alte Öltank. Holzpellets sind ein nachwachsender und weitgehend CO2-neutraler Brennstoff. Wichtig: Die Feinstaubbelastung, die beim Heizen mit Holz für Diskussionen sorgt, ist bei Pelletsheizungen deutlich geringer als bei kleinen Kaminöfen.

Energie: Hohe Zuschüsse vom Staat: Das sind die Alternativen zur Ölheizung

Compared to pellet heating, the expenditure for installation, but also the maintenance and cleaning of a wood chip heating is significantly higher. Such a plant is therefore only worthwhile if the heat requirement is very high. A wood heater, on the other hand, is suitable for any building. The fuel is generated during forest maintenance and is very cheap. The disadvantage: the heatsink heating is hand fed. In the case of good systems with sufficiently dimensioned buffer storage, however, it is sufficient to supply the boiler in the basement with fuel once a day in winter. Woodchip and log heating systems are particularly interesting for forest owners.

Heat pump, if the requirements fit

If the requirements are met, a heat pump can also be a useful variant for heating exchange. The efficient and environmentally friendly heating system has long been very popular in the new building. The heat pump works more efficiently, the lower the temperature difference between the heat source, such as groundwater, soil or air, and the temperature required for heating. Therefore, the heat pump in a well insulated house with floor, wall or ceiling heaters, which can cope with a low supply temperature, saves costs for heat.

The installation of a heat pump can also be a suitable solution for existing buildings with radiators, although they require a higher supply temperature-if the building envelope has been optimized energetically, so the heat requirement has been reduced accordingly and a significantly lower supply temperature is sufficient for the radiators.

Of course, solar energy can also make its contribution-so wood heating can be combined very well with a solar heating system, and a solar power plant (photovoltaics) fits into a heat pump.

Climate-friendly alternative: local heat

If there is a possibility to connect to a local or district heating network, which is operated with renewable energies such as wood chips or biogas, this is also recommended. An advantage: no own heating system is required. In some places, citizens come together to create climate-friendly local heating networks with no intention of profit, such as Peterthal or Seltmans-Sibratshofen in the Oberallgäu-an interesting and praiseworthy model.

To the author: Martin Sambale is managing director of the energy and environmental center Allgäu, for short eza!

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