Dispose of fire extinguishers: You have to consider this - utopia.de

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Dispose of fire extinguishers: You have to consider this - utopia.de
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

You have to dispose of fire extinguishers after use.The same applies if you have reached your expiry date.We will explain to you what you should pay attention to when disposal.

Even if it is not mandatory in Germany to own a fire holder, he saves life in case of doubt.A regular maintenance is a prerequisite.If this is given, you have to replace fire extinguishers after 20 to 25 years.After this time, the material of the pressure devices can become weak.In the worst case, fire extinguishers can explode if they are not disposed of properly.

But you should not only dispose of expired fire extinguishers.You also have to throw away used fire extinguishers.Older model in particular contain often environmentally harmful extinguishing agents.So it is particularly important that you don't carefully throw them away.

Feuerlöscher entsorgen: Das musst du beachten - Utopia.de

Old fire extinguishers do not belong in the household waste.Meanwhile, there are many providers who offer environmentally friendly fire extinguishers.If you buy a new fire extinguisher, we recommend that you use an environmentally friendly model.But you also have to dispose of this professionally.Especially since you can only make it so safe that the individual components of the Feurlöscher are recycled in the best possible way.

Dispose of fire extinguishers: there are these options

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