Deutschebahn competitor: Flixtrain wants help from Russia

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Deutschebahn competitor: Flixtrain wants help from Russia
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

"Project Magistral" Flixtrain hopes for the help of Russian oligarchs

vonChristian Schlesiger und Maxim Kireev

The railway company Flixtrain is planning a frontal attack on Deutsche Bahn with new trains.

Bild: imago images

The railway company Flixtrain is planning a frontal attack on Deutsche Bahn with new trains. Vertrauliche Papiere zeigen, wie sich die Münchner den Deal vorstellen – und welche Rolle russische Oligarchen dabei spielen.

The inconspicuous hall with a track connection in Langweid near Augsburg was the focus of a violent dispute last year: The Russian train manufacturer Transmashholding should wait regularly for local transport operators Goahead 22 electrical multiple units.The problem: the vehicles do not come from the Russians, but from competitor Stadler.The Zugbauer from Switzerland feared the Russian industrial espionage.Transmashholding contradicted: In Europe, one was only "an established train expectation company".In the end, customer prevailed Goahead and Transmashholding, Stadler calmed down.

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