Destiny 2: Update 3.3.1 is here - Here's a look at the patch notes

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  • Destiny 2: Update 3.3.1 is here - Here's a look at the patch notes
Destiny 2: Update 3.3.1 is here - Here's a look at the patch notes
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Today Destiny 2 gets the new update 3.3.1 on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC and Google Stadia. Everything you need to know about maintenance and the patch notes.

Update from October 12, 2021, 7:02 p.m.: Update 3.3.1 is now live and can be downloaded. On the PS5 it is 591.3 MB. The corresponding official patch notes are now available. You can find them further down in the article.

Original message from October 12th, 2021:

Seattle, Washington – Today, October 12th, Destiny 2 gets another update. The patch not only heralds the traditional annual Halloween festival "Festival of the Lost", but also has numerous bug fixes and "Quality of Life" adjustments in its luggage. In this article you will learn everything you need to know about today's maintenance, the downtime and the patch notes.

name of the game destiny 2
release September 6, 2017
Publishers Bungie
series destiny
developer Bungie
platform PC, Google Stadia, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
genre First-person shooter / action MMO

Destiny 2: Maintenance and Server Down for Update 3.3.1 – October 12th Expiration

Why the maintenance work? Firstly, this update brings Destiny 2's Halloween event - the "Festival of the Lost" - into play and immediately starts this spooky event from Destiny 2 Season 15. Secondly, everything is still not going smoothly with Bungie's action MMO and with the new update, the developers continue to work on the title's most urgent construction sites.

Maintenance and server down on October 12th - the most important times: The new update is traditionally accompanied by maintenance work, which should be quite short again this time. If everything goes smoothly, the forced break due to the server down should only be around 15 minutes. Here is a compact overview of the schedule for October 12:

Destiny 2: Update 3.3.1 ist jetzt da – Hier ein Blick auf die Patch Notes

Consider the maintenance on 10/12. the following: These times are not set in stone, so they could change in the course of maintenance. Should this happen, you will find out as soon as possible here on In addition, the following generally applies:

Destiny 2: Update 3.3.1 - These changes are already known

This is already officially known about Update 3.3.1: Bungie has already given a generous look at the upcoming changes from Update 3.3.1 for Destiny 2 in advance. Among other things, the following “Quality of Life” improvements and bug fixes await you after the update goes live:

Top Twilights:

The Corrupted:

Crossplay UI:

The following is still changing:

Destiny 2: Official Patch Notes for Update 3.3.1

What do the patch notes say about update 3.3.1? These were just a few sample excerpts of the upcoming changes. According to Bungie, there should be more to come. A full listing will be available on the evening of October 12th in the form of the official patch notes. Although these are now available, they are not yet available in German. We have therefore linked the original, English-language change log for you below. You can find him here:

Destiny 2 Update 3.3.1 Patch Notes

As soon as the German patch notes have been published, we will submit them here for you as soon as possible.

By the way, a patch in December is supposed to change the meta of Destiny 2. The focus in PvP should then shift from skills to gunplay.

Rubric list image: © Bungie (montage)