Destiny 2: Maintenance work on 04.01.- All patch notes and information

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Destiny 2: Maintenance work on 04.01.- All patch notes and information
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The Destiny 2 Support is back from the break and await you on 04.January 2022, the first downtime of the year on PS4, PS5, the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, on the PC and on Google Stadia.You can still get the most important times and information on meinmmo.

You have to know that today: After the bungie support was very quiet over Christmas and New Year's Eve, it now starts again.We expect the first downtime of the new year 2022.As always, we stay on the ball for you.

So that you know exactly today, when you can play and what changes in the game, Meinmmo accompanies you through the maintenance work and updates this article as soon as something changes or bungie publishes more information about a hotfix and adjustments.

Maintenance on 04.01.-All times and server down

These times are important today:

Updateverlauf:– 14:45 Uhr: Pünktlich um 14 Uhr 45 sind die Server offline gegangen.– 17:00 Uhr: Destiny-Spieler können sich wieder einloggen. Offiziell enden die Wartungsarbeiten aber erst um 18 Uhr. Rechnet also noch mit kleinen “Rucklern”.– 18:00 Uhr: Destiny 2 läuft wieder. Die Wartungsarbeiten sind abgeschlossen und es ist kein Download notwendig. Der Reset findet wie immer statt und ihr könnt euch wie gewohnt wieder einloggen.

Destiny 2: Wartungsarbeiten am 04.01. – Alle Patch Notes und Infos

It is important: Even if you have loaded the update, connection problems can occur until the planned end of the maintenance work around 6:00 p.m..You may have to count on queues when logging in.Also keep in mind that third-party applications and the official companion app cannot be reached correctly.

That changes with update in Season 15

The hotfix today brings this: Bungie has not announced any details about the update in advance.Officially, Bungie said nothing about it.We can therefore only suspect that maybe some known problems have been addressed.

So that you don't get bored with the server down, we recommend these articles:

Patch Notes to update in Destiny 2

What is in the Patch Notes?The comprehensive list of all changes publishes bungie in the form of patch notes.

Traditionally, the information together with the update itself appears, but that has not yet been the case.However, as soon as Bungie provides further information online, we add the link here.

Update 05.01.2022: Bungie hat bisher noch keine Patchnotes zu den Wartungsarbeiten vorgelegt. Aber von DIM, dem DestinyItemManager, kam die Info, dass Bungie bereits vor längerem ein API-Problem behoben hat, welches dazu führte, dass Spieler Rüstungsitems verloren haben. Näheres dazu könnt ihr auch auf der DIM–Github-Webseite nachlesen.

Are you glad that Bungie is now taking up the old maintenance rhythm?Or do you think the last two weeks without maintenance were more pleasant?And don't forget: Today is also the last day to bake and deliver cookies, because the event officially ends on 04.01.2022.