Chimney sweep-how often does it come? Obligation & quot; costs & quot;

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Chimney sweep-how often does it come? Obligation & quot; costs & quot;
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Chimney sweeps bring good luck. That's an old saying. Above all, they ensure that the fireplaces in the house are safe. But can you choose the chimney sweep yourself? And what if it's too expensive?


They are well-known messengers of good luck: the chimney sweeps. Some ash from the chimney sweep on your face or touching the golden buttons is said to bring good things. This superstition has its origins in the Middle Ages. Back then, houses caught fire more easily and more frequently than today. The chimney sweep brought safety and happiness into the house through his work.

What does a chimney sweep do?

Decades ago, one of his main tasks was to sweep the soot out of the chimney with a brush. But that is a long time ago. Today, the chimney sweeps have an eye on all the heating, exhaust gas and ventilation systems in a house in addition to the chimney.

They check whether systems are operational and fire-safe. "The experts use complicated measuring methods to check emissions of all kinds, such as fine dust or carbon monoxide," explains Daniel Fürst, first chairman of the Central Association of German Chimney Sweeps. The chimney sweep also checks whether the fireplaces are working efficiently and the gas lines are tight.

The chimney sweeps belong to so-called state guild associations (LIV) or guilds - these are associations of craftsmen of the same trade. As on-site experts, they are the point of contact for the energy and heat transition. To do this, the chimney sweeps evaluate the energy efficiency of buildings, issue energy certificates and recommend sensible energy-related renovation work on the house.

InfoAn energy certificate or energy pass shows how energy-efficient a building is - or in other words: whether the available energy is being used optimally and not wasted. Read the most important questions and answers about the document.

Can you freely choose your chimney sweep?

Up until 2012, the chimney sweep automatically always thought along with you. Every year there was a small note in the mailbox without being asked. With that, the chimney sweep announced his visit. The craftsman responsible for the district did his job reliably.

Chimney Sweep: They're rare. 99 percent of chimney sweeps are men. (Source: imagebroker/imago images)

Since 2013, homeowners have been able to look for or hire a specialist themselves. You can research the respective craft business online, for example. However, the chimney sweep selected here must be listed in the chimney sweep register of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA). Because only these meet the requirements for independently performing chimney sweep work. Click here for register information

How often does the chimney sweep have to check?

There is no general answer to this question. A distinction must be made here between "free" and "sovereign" tasks. This is what the chimney sweep trades law (SchfHwG) wants. The "free" include sweeping, checking and measuring heaters. The intervals at which the chimney sweep must stop by depend on the type of heating:

Chimney sweep - how often does he come? Mandatory & costs

< td>annually< td>twice a year
Type of heatingSweep/CheckMeasure
Oil boiler/oil condensing boilerevery 2-3 years
Oil boiler (room sealed)every 2 years every 2-3 years
Gas boiler/gas condensing boilerannuallyevery 2-3 years/never
Gas condensing boiler (overpressure flue gas system)every 2 yearsnever
Gas heating boiler (independent of ambient air) every 2 yearsevery 2-3 years
Fireplace/tiled stove (used regularly during the heating period) 3 times a yearnever
Fireplace/tiled stove (used more than occasionally)twice a year never
Fireplace/tiled stove (used occasionally)once a yearnever< /td>
Fireplace/tiled stove (ready for use, but not used)once a yearnever
Pellet stovetwice a yearnever
Boiler (solid fuel)every 2 years

Source: Stiftung Warentest (status: February 5th, 2019)

On the other hand, an inspection of fireplaces and the issuance of a fireplace permit are considered "sovereign" work. In contrast to the "free tasks" this may only be carried out by the district chimney sweep.

What is a fireplace notice?

The periods in which the heating must be swept, checked and measured are stated in the so-called fireplace notice. Every homeowner should have received it from the district chimney sweep. The decision lists the fireplaces and logs what work has to be done on the system and when. According to the Federal Association of Chimney Sweeps, these are

The latter concern gas and oil heating systems, heating systems for solid fuels including their flue gas systems and the cleaning of chimneys for fireplaces and tiled stoves, open fireplaces and other solid fuel stoves.

How much does a fireplace permit cost?

The costs for the fireplace decision are specified in the sweeping and inspection regulations (KÜO). Depending on the number of firing systems, the decision costs between 10 and 40 AW (labour value). The amount varies by state. A work value corresponds to a working time of one minute. The actual fee results from multiplying the labor value by 1.20 euros plus the statutory sales tax of 19 percent.

Price example According to this, a fireplace permit for up to three fireplaces costs ten work units, the equivalent of around ten euros. The maximum cost of the document is 30 work values.

What is a fireplace show?

There is also a so-called fireplace show. This takes place twice within seven years, with at least three years between them. In addition, a fireplace inspection is always necessary when, for example, a new heating system is put into operation. The fireplace inspection applies to all types of heating (oil, gas, wood, coal, pellets) and is only carried out by the district chimney sweep.

InfoLandlords can pass on the costs of the fireplace inspection to the tenants via the operating costs and list them in the annual ancillary cost statement.

How much does a chimney sweep cost?

There is no uniform answer to this question either. The costs for "sovereign" tasks - such as inspection of fireplaces and notification of fireplaces - are laid down by law in the Sweeping and Inspection Ordinance (KÜO).

However, the regular "free", private-sector tasks are not subject to a fee schedule. It is important here which provider (chimney sweep company) the homeowner chooses. The consumer portal Verivox assumes a savings potential of ten to 30 percent. However, Stiftung Warentest points out that additional journeys and formalities often reduce the price advantage. The costs that landlords and homeowners have to reckon with also depend on the age, use and type of heating:

< td>approx. 40-50 euros
Type of heatingChimney sweep costs (average)
Oil/gas heating (conventional)
Oil/gas boiler (independent of room air)approx. 20-40 euros
Wood/pellet heatingapprox. 40-60 euros
Fireplace/tiled stove (occasionally used)approx. 20-30 euros
Fireplace/tiled stove (frequently used)approx. 70-80 euros

Source: Verivox

Is there a chimney sweep duty?

Yes, house and property owners in Germany are obliged to have their fireplaces checked regularly by a chimney sweep - this applies to sweeping, checking and measuring heating systems as well as to fireplace inspections.

Is it easy to change the chimney sweep?

Yes, if the "chemistry" between you and the chimney sweep is not right, or you simply find it too expensive, you can change it. However, as a homeowner, you are obliged to report your new chimney sweep to your district commissioner that the tasks have been completed. He keeps it in the log book. If the forms are not received within 14 days after the end of the period, the district chimney sweep reports this to the responsible administrative authority - such as the district office.

InfoThe office will then set a second deadline. Depending on the federal state, this omission costs a fine of 40 to 100 euros.

If the homeowner also allows the second deadline to pass, the authorities will take action themselves: they commission the district chimney sweep to do the work. If necessary, a carpenter or locksmith will open the door and give those responsible access. The power of the authorities has a reason: For safety reasons, fireplaces need regular maintenance. This use can cost several hundred euros – also for the homeowner.

How much does a chimney sweep earn per month?

The salary depends on the state, region, journeyman year, additional qualifications and company. In the first year as a journeyman, chimney sweeps earn 13.62 euros gross per hour according to the federal collective agreement. As a master chimney sweep, you can earn between EUR 18.57 and EUR 19.22 gross per hour.

For a 40-hour week, that's around 3,000 euros gross per month or 36,000 euros gross per year. Some employers may also pay capital-forming benefits, travel expenses, costs for work clothing and Christmas bonuses.

What is the chimney sweep not allowed to do?

Stiftung Warentest points out that some district chimney sweeps are trying to sell additional services without being asked. This includes, for example, the installation of smoke detectors. Some chimney sweeps also like to offer the so-called gas house show. However, this can be done by the homeowner or landlord themselves, as can the installation of the smoke detectors.

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