Change timing belts: time and costs - all information for drivers

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Change timing belts: time and costs - all information for drivers
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

When was the timing belt changed?This is one of the first questions that dealers in the trade -in of a used position.Drivers should replace the belt in good time.Because if he tears, the engine is usually there.


The timing belt is a work animal: it has to hold out several tens of thousands of kilometers without complaint, be extremely flexible, but still cannot be dragged in.And it must not harm moisture or extreme temperatures.If he tears once, the engine is almost always done.

That is why drivers are well advised to comply with the change intervals recommended by the manufacturers.

What is the timing belt?

Timing belts and control chains transfer the power from the crank to the camshaft of four-stroke engines.In this way, ensure that the camshafts can control opening and closing processes of the single and exhaust valves.

Wichtig dabei: Nockenwellen dürfen sich gegenüber der Kurbelwelle nicht verdrehen, denn der Motor muss im Takt bleiben. Das Luft-Kraftstoffgemisch wird angesaugt, dann verdichtet und verbrannt, und im vierten Takt werden die Abgase entlassen. Damit Kolben- und Ventilbewegungen synchron bleiben, ist es so wichtig, dass Riemen wie Kette nicht ausleiern.

When do I have to change the timing belt?

Der Zahnriemen hält anders als viele Steuerketten kein Autoleben lang. Die Hersteller empfehlen den turnusmäßigen Wechsel. Ein Austausch etwa alle 120.000 bis 180.000 Kilometer ist die Regel.

Zahnriemen wechseln: Zeitpunkt und Kosten – alle Infos für Autofahrer

Once the exchange interval is exceeded, the toothed belt should be renewed soon.Until the car is in the workshop, careful driving is recommended without excessive load changes such as jerk -like gas.Due to gentle driving style, however, the change interval can not be extended at all.

What does a timing belt change cost?

A change costs around 600 to 1,000 euros.The timing belt itself only makes 80 to 100 euros, the elaborate is the assembly.Because the same workload was necessary, drivers best had the approximately 60 to 80 euro water pump.

Can I change the timing belt myself?

The ADAC warned.The control box must be opened, the straps down, crank and camshafts are brought into position, and then the new belt is fitted- it all takes several hours.

What happens when the timing belt tears?

If the vehicle owner complies with the change intervals, he usually avoids that the timing belt tears.If that happens anyway, the engine is broken.Because then valves and pistons collide, which leads to the capital engine damage.

When buying a used car, pay attention to the timing belt

When was the timing belt changed and was it changed at all?These questions should therefore always ask potential buyers of a used car.In most cases, you can check whether a new belt was installed in the service booklet.Alternatively, invoices can prove a change.

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Anyone who does not ask when buying used may be left behind.Because the timing belt tears later, even commercial dealers are only liable if they have given a quality guarantee for the condition of the toothed belt or have fraudulently concealed the faulty.

Since this should rarely occur, the rule applies - namely that the seller does not have to ensure that the vehicle remains error -free after purchase, but only had no significant mistakes when handed over.For timing belts, this means that if the maintenance interval was exceeded, this does not suggest that the belt was already incorrect.

Most judicial courts ingrade a toothed belt tear as wear and reject warranty claims.Even with a used car guarantee, a timing belt tear and its consequences should hardly be covered.Finally, the damage is due to exuberant maintenance.And that's not a guarantee.

Timing belt and control chain: the difference

In order to make the timing belt tough and tensile -proof, it is made from special plastics that receive steel cord and glass fibers inserts.The control chain is made of metal members.

The toothed belt saves construction space opposite the control chain.Therefore, timing belts are usually used for smaller engines, whereas control chains are particularly suitable for larger aggregates.

Do I also have to change a control chain?

Because a control chain is basically more durable, the manufacturers do not specify any intervals.But that doesn't mean that she is mandatory for a car life.

In contrast to the timing belt, weaknesses of the chain are announced by rattling when starting.This happens, for example, when the chain tensioner subsides in print.The result: the chain is.So have chains and clamps check regularly as wear parts from a higher mileage.

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