Buy a solar system: These are the advantages and disadvantages - provider at an overview

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Buy a solar system: These are the advantages and disadvantages - provider at an overview
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Solar energy is one of the hopes of hope for reaching the climate goals.In a study, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) assumes that photovoltaic systems (PV systems) are only necessary to create the energy transition to only 2.5 percent of Germany to create the energy transition.Roofs, including private houses, offer a lot of potential.According to an analysis by the Bonn consulting company EUPD Research.89 percent of the buildings are unused.For the homeowners who are thinking about creating solar energy themselves, Efahrer, the joint electromobility portal of chip and focus online, PV providers tested.

So the solar systems were tested

According to Efahrer.Com in particular are becoming more and more popular for private roofing photovoltaic systems.Private solar power producers not only make a decisive contribution to climate protection.As a rule, the facilities amortize after a few years and accuse financial profits.Because the feeding of the electricity into the public network is remunerated.

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In order to make it easier to make a purchase decision on a PV system, Efahrer independent and neutral tests through guided.According to the Internet portal, the evaluation is based on several information pillars.

On the one hand, experts compared contract details and online configurators.On the other hand, the results of goods test organizations were included in Europe and Germany.In the third pillar, the authors recorded and analyzed consumer feedback, both direct product reviews and extensive written feedback.

The providers at an overview

We have the most important facts from the Efahrer.COM test report summarized:

The Naturstrom company is still listed in the test report, but according to the update of meanwhile got out of the shop around the roof solar systems.In addition to the core business, i.e. the supply with sustainable energy and the construction of wind and solar parks, increasingly on sector coupling solutions, you want to concentrate, the internet portal quotes the company.Existing customers will continue to be looked after.You can read the complete test here.

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