Before 1992 built -in boilers must be renewed this year - Recknagel online

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  • Before 1992 built -in boilers must be renewed this year - Recknagel online
Before 1992 built -in boilers must be renewed this year - Recknagel online
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

If you run a heating more than 30 years old, you may have to replace it.House owners should therefore check whether their boiler was installed before 1992 this year.

This is indicated by the information program for the future of the Environmental Ministry of Baden-Württemberg.The age of the boiler can be read on the type sign, in the chimney sweep protocol or in the construction documents.Out of the basement must be constant temperature boiler.Low temperature and condensing boilers do not fall under the regulation.Owners of single and two-family houses that have long lived in their property are generally exempt from the obligation.The modernization rule in the building energy law (opposite) is defined by law.The experts from the future advise old building advise to check before the legal obligation after 20 years whether a new heating is useful.If this is the case, you should rely on renewable energies.

After 30 years of operation, boilers usually have to be replaced.The legal obligation is to be understood as an impetus for building owners: reach oil and gas heaters of this company age, put a strain on wallet and climate and threaten to fall out unexpectedly.Half of the boiler in Germany is older than 20 years.The proportion of the over 30 -year -old boiler is not exactly certain, but experts assume around two million."These ancient boilers should definitely be renewed," says Frank Hettler from the future old building.“New heaters have significantly better efficiency, the investment pays off in many cases after a few years.This is all the faster when additional energy saving potential is used in optimizing control and hydraulics.“Already from the age of 20, homeowners should have it checked whether an exchange against a modern and efficient system is worthwhile, many experts advise you.

Out for Constant temperature boilers

Only for constant temperature boilers with a nominal output between four and 400 kilowatts ends the operating license after three decades.Seat value and low temperature systems may continue.The ownership of residential buildings are also important: have owners in an apartment in one building with fewer than three residential units for 1.February 2002 inhabited itself, you can continue to operate your heating, even if it is a constant temperature boiler.In the event of a change of ownership, the obligation to replace then applies.The new owners have two years to exchange heating.

How you can determine the age of your heating is unclear to most heating owners."The type sign on the boiler also indicates the year of construction in addition to the manufacturer and performance," says Jörg Knapp from the Sanitary Heating Climate Baden-Württemberg Association.“Finding it is not always easy.In some heating boilers, the sign is under a cover.“Further options for determining the age are the calculation of the heating, protocols of the chimney sweep or data sheets for heating."If you have no more information at all, you can contact specialists," said Knapp.“Chimney sweeps are able to determine the age of the heating during control.“Another option is to maintain the heating;Age and heating technology can also be clarified there.The experts can also make a recommendation on site whether it is worth exchanging the heating before the 30 years have expired.

Vor dem Jahr 1992 eingebaute Heizkessel müssen dieses Jahr erneuert werden - Recknagel Online

Rely on renewable energies in the future

Wer eine neue Heizung erwirbt, sollte darauf achten, dass sie möglichst wenig Schadstoffe und Kohlendioxid (CO2) ausstößt.Devices that use renewable energies are best suited.This includes primarily heat pumps and- with drawbacks- also wood and pellet heating.The former can be combined well with photovoltaic systems, the latter with solar thermal systems.The connection to a heating network also often delivers heat from regenerative sources.If an exchange is provided on the basis of renewable energies, homeowners must take the following into account: The lower the necessary temperature of the heating water, the so -called flow temperature, is more efficient, the more efficient.Good thermal insulation significantly reduces it.

The heat turnaround at home is worthwhile.Renewable energy heating not only protect the climate, but also cause fewer costs.Your acquisition costs are comparable to those of oil and natural gas heating after deduction of funding. Sie sind jedoch nicht von der steigenden CO2-Abgabe auf fossile Brennstoffe betroffen.In addition, the use of renewable heat makes more independent of fossil energy and their price fluctuations.It is also important: According to the coalition agreement, the Federal Government is planning that for 1.January 2025 Every newly built heating based on 65 percent of renewable energies is to be operated.Therefore, for many reasons, it is time to think about it in good time for many reasons.

Building energy consulting helps with the right choice

If homeowners want to make the right choice when choosing the right heating, you should have professional building energy advice carried out, Frank Hettler advises old building.Experts advise on site and also know which funding programs are available.Your service is supported by 80 percent financially, up to 1.300 euros for single and two-family houses and a maximum of 1.700 euros for houses with at least three residential units.

Source: future old building