Advent wreaths, fairy lights and fondue: Currently the risk of fire is increasing again

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Advent wreaths, fairy lights and fondue: Currently the risk of fire is increasing again
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

29.11.2021 - 10:51

BVBF BundesVB.Fire protection.EV.

Berlin (ots)

For many it is the summer vacation, for some of the carnival, but for most of us the Advent and Christmas are the best time of the year.Whether together with the colleagues in the company, at home in the home office or privately in the circle of family and friends: Almost everywhere candles and lights are burning fairy lights, which creates a ceremonial atmosphere and the anticipation increases on the festival. Doch genau das birgt auch Gefahren, wie der bvbf BundesverbandFire protectioniebe consider.

Candles and heat

Some dangers are often underestimated.Burning candles on the Advent wreath, for example, develop enormous heat.Temperatures of up to 750 degrees Celsius are reached above the flame.Candles should therefore never be left unattended.The risk of fire increases daily.On the one hand, the candles burn down so that the flame approaches the fir green.On the other hand, needles and branches are getting drier, which makes it easier to ignite.Tip: It is best to set advent wreaths and arrangements only on documents made of metal or ceramic, in the area of which there are no combustible materials.Close the windows and doors so that no draft is created.

Lights and power cables

But conventional electrical fairy lights are also not entirely harmless.The thin power cables can overheat in continuous operation and trigger a smoldering fire.If you lie down or leave the house, you should therefore switch it off.In addition, defective pears must be replaced according to the manufacturer's specification.In addition, the pears should not come into contact with the thin cables, otherwise a smoldering fire can also arise.LED light chains, on the other hand, according to the BVBF's recommendation, are also less dangerous and also more powerful.

Adventskränze, Lichterketten und Fondue: Aktuell steigt wieder die Brandgefahr

Fire and fat

The closer Christmas, the bigger the hustle and bustle.Also in the kitchen. Beim Backen und Brutzeln, bei Raclette oder Fondue, treffen zwei Komponenten aufeinander, die in Kombination brandgefährlich sein können: Fire and fat.Burning fat must never be deleted with water, as this leads to a highly dangerous fat fire explosion.It is best to suffocate the flames with a pot lid or use a special fire extinguisher with the fire class "F" for fat fires.Very important: to avoid re -ignition, switch off the stove or fryer immediately!

Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers

While smoke detectors are now prescribed for living rooms in all federal states and companies have to be equipped with fire extinguishers, this does not apply to private households.Also, the employer is currently not obliged to provide the employee in the home office with a fire extinguisher.However, in your own interest you should ensure that yourself, family and other roommates are better protected from fire and smoke.

If there is a fire despite all the precautionary measures, it can almost always be fought successfully in the early stages with a fire extinguisher.That's why they belong in every household.Here, 6-liter water or foam extinguisher is recommended for the living area and for the kitchen a special fat fire fire extinguisher.

Advice and action

Mit welchen und mit wie vielen Feuerlöschern und Rauchmeldern die eigenen vier Wände optimal geschützt werden können, wissen die qualifiziertenFire protectioniebe, die nicht nur zur Weihnachtszeit bei der Auswahl passender Geräte mit Advice and action zur Verfügung stehen und auch deren regelmäßige Wartung übernehmen.Addresses of local providers can be found by postcodes sorted, for example on the Internet at


BundesverbandFire protectioniebe e.V.(BVBF) Carsten Weg- Managing Director -Brunnenstraße 15610115 Berlin phone: 030-936 228 61-0Telefax: 030-936 228 61-29mail: Info@bvbf fire protection.Deinternet: www.bvbf.Depression contact: Dr.Schulz Public Relations GmbHDR.Volker Schulzberrenrather Str.19050937 Kölnel.: +49 (0) 221-42 58 12-Mail:

Original-Content von: BVBF BundesVB.Fire protection.EV., transmitted by News Current