Zoe Wees: The singer swears on these 5 simple styling tricks

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Zoe Wees: The singer swears on these 5 simple styling tricks
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Zoe Wees: The style of the singer is so cool

If Zoe Wees - besides singing - can do one thing, then it is probably unusual outfits.The singer loves to wear colorful, unconventional fashion that stands out from the crowd.A supposedly “ugly” outfit can also be carried out, says Zoe.The main thing is that it is worn with a lot of self -confidence and edgy accessories.How you can dress so cool?The singer reveals it.

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1.Colorful sunglasses

Zoe Wees loves sunglasses.She prefers to like models with colorful glasses and unusual shapes - the main thing is not too classic.No matter whether on a walk with a friend: inside or at the next studio session, do sunglasses, according to the singer, just every outfit better.

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2.Unusual styles

If there is one thing that Zoe cannot stand, then it's boring outfits.Therefore, the singer is not afraid of wearing unconventional looks that the mainstream could stamp as "ugly" at first glance.According to Zoe, the most important thing is that you stay true to yourself and worry less about what other people think.With this attitude, Zoe would like to inspire others to be brave and, above all, have fun fashion.

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3.Color blocking

Why only wear one color if you can combine several together?This is Zoe Wees Motto when it comes to choosing their outfits.The great thing about color blocking is that the trend never gets out of fashion and that you can match different parts from the own wardrobe that you might otherwise not have combined with each other.Zoe Wees shows the trend with a lot of confidence.

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4.Statement accessories

All the more striking, all the better!The singer not only loves unusual clothing, her accessories must also be special.Striking make-up, give many chains or edgy earrings, according to Zoe, every outfit that certain extra.

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5.Bucket hats

Zoe Wees liebtBucket hats! Sie findet, dass sie damit einfach cool aussieht.And what must say?If you see pictures of the singer with fishing hat, you also feel like putting on a bucket for the next outfit.The practical thing about the hats?They work as sun protection in summer and stop the rain in autumn.

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