That's what men really think when they cuddle with us

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That's what men really think when they cuddle with us
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

When we fall on the couch after a hard day at work and start watching exciting Netflix series or captivating films from the streaming platform with our loved one, then there is hardly a better feeling for us than falling into his cuddle arms and enjoy his closeness. Because not only do we feel safe with him in a tightly entwined pose, the immune system is also strengthened, since the expansion of the blood vessels promotes blood circulation, which ultimately improves the transport of defense cells and antibodies in the organism. At the same time, we are relieved of all stress because the hormone oxytocin is released, so that cuddling units even have a calming effect on us women. The so-called bonding hormone welds us even more together with our partner and takes love and the entire relationship to a deeper level.

What do men think when cuddling?

While we women recognize the relevance of stroking and find it extremely important for a bond and a happy soul, we are not yet completely clear about the thoughts of men. Because although we always try very hard to understand them, sometimes we don't succeed at all. In order to clarify the ambiguities, we have taken on the whole thing and already found out which cuddling techniques they want to use to prove their love in a relationship. We will now clarify what thoughts the lords of creation have regarding the exchange of tenderness.

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1. It's quite uncomfortable

Is there anything nicer than laying your head on your loved one's chest, just relaxing and being petted? Hardly likely! For him as a cuddler, however, this position is quite exhausting. His arm starts to tingle more and more until he actually falls asleep after a few minutes and your head just weighs a ton – ouch! 😳

2. He's hoping you fall asleep

You're wondering why he wants you to fall asleep as soon as possible with this physical contact? Once you're having sweet dreams, he's sure you won't notice as he slowly pulls his arm out from under you. Sure, he wants to give you security, but he just can't and doesn't want to put up with the pain in his shoulder for cuddling all night.

3. Your feet are way too cold

You've all done it, haven't you? Without warning, you pushed your ice-cold feet between his warm legs and got a dirty look from him. It doesn't matter, you're doing it again!

4. He's thinking about sex

He probably won't necessarily admit it, but he's only a man and when there's a hot lady (yes, I mean you) lying in bed next to him, every guy inevitably thinks about Sex. For many guys, such intimate skin-to-skin touches are THE precursor to a sweetheart's hour and trigger a mental cinema in his brain. Isn't that what you really want at all? Then you should think twice before slipping into the warm sheets with him. Otherwise, you might find yourself in an awkward situation before you know it.

5. He likes it

The badass man is always in the mood for sex - of course. However, he also just wants to cuddle and pursue his need for warmth and closeness. Oh by the way, that's probably one of those things he'll never admit... 😄

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6. He gets way too hot in a matter of seconds

You've just snuggled up to him and found a totally comfortable position when he pushes you and the bedclothes away again, because the whole thing is just getting way too hot for him – in this case, however, we mean that literally.

7. Your hair is annoying

Yes ladies, we know that men don't exactly count the spooning position among their favorite positions. They have to stare at the back of your head while you rub your butt on her crotch, they have to be careful not to get too excited about that fact, and then there's your hair... Not only does it tickle her nose, it also hangs in it his mouth!

8. He can't see the TV

Hey, put your head down a little, lie flat without breathing and slide down the couch a little more, not that yours Loved one missed even a minute of the exciting Netflix series - just because you want to cuddle...

9. He feels manly

After a long day at work, we often just want to lie in his arms, let him scratch our backs and feel safe. This is exactly what he loves about cuddling with us, because for him it is the epitome of masculinity and it corresponds to the basic human instincts that he holds us in his strong arms and protects us from any danger.

10. With you he can be who he is

Another thought that comes to him while cuddling: All day long he has to play the tough man, make important decisions and not show too many feelings. With you in his arms while cuddling, he can finally be himself, relax and just let his soul dangle and his body relax. 💕

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